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Understanding Exam Language

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1 Understanding Exam Language
Many a mark is lost due to confusion over the command word – or even worse – reading the command word and then ignoring it and doing something else! Always Circle/underline/highlight the command word

2 PEEL Your Answers.


4 P

5 E

6 E

7 L


9 Point What is your point? Introduce your point..
“A strength of this theory is that…”

10 Evidence Present the evidence to support your point…
“_____ conducted an experiment… and found….”

11 “This shows/suggests….”
Explain Explain the evidence in relation to the point. How does it support your point? “This shows/suggests….”

12 Link Link your ideas back to the question or point if you can.
“Therefore this supports…”

13 examples Discuss Genetic factors involved in aggressive behaviour. (4 +16 marks) Basic IDA:

14 examples Discuss Genetic factors involved in aggressive behaviour. (4 +16 marks) Reasonable IDA:

15 Practice exam question – Another go!
Millie is asked to do a class presentation on introspection. As part of her presentation she said, ‘Introspection is thinking about our own thoughts.’ After the presentation, her classmates said they had learned very little about introspection. Explain what else Millie could have said about the major features of introspection so that her classmates would be better informed. [4 marks] Be prepared to share!!!

16 Elaboration: How do you Elaborate?
PEEL POINT Make your point. EVIDENCE Support it with psychological research. EXPLAIN Explain what the research shows or suggests. LINK Link it back to your point or the question. Look at the mark scheme for a 24 marker and answer the questions..

17 Peer mark and share

18 VCOP V = Vocabulary Check you are using subject specific vocabulary, and check that it is clear to the reader that you know what the word means. C = Connectives (joining words) These are words that make sentences longer. For example: ‘and, O = Openers (words used to open or begin sentences or paragraphs) There are many different openers. Try to use different openers throughout your answer. P= Punctuation (essential if your answer is to make sense!) In psychology we are usually reporting something that has already happened so most of the time the past tense is used.

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