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13th CoU Thematic Workshops - Thematic Group 3

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Presentation on theme: "13th CoU Thematic Workshops - Thematic Group 3"— Presentation transcript:

1 13th CoU Thematic Workshops - Thematic Group 3
HEIMDALL – Towards standardization of disaster scenarios, response plans and lessons learnt Benjamin Barth 13th CoU Thematic Workshops - Thematic Group 3 Brussels

2 HEIMDALL Main Objectives
Develop services and products for response planning and scenario building Integrate those in a multi-hazard platform Interlink multiple actors Demonstrate the system prototype in an operational environment

3 The HEIMDALL Consortium
14 partners with expertise in different security and space European projects dealing with emergency management tailored to the different scenarios High participation of practitioners


5 HEIMDALL Federated Architecture
Multi-disciplinary users international context.

6 Standardisation Activities in HEIMDALL
The identification of relevant standards to be used in order to ensure system interoperability and flexibility. The identification of relevant standards, which could be updated/extended according to the HEIMDALL outcome. D7.4: Standardisation Activities Report - Issue 1 submitted in January ( Standardisation of Scenarios Lessons learnt Response plans Fire Types Concept Building Function Taxonomy

7 Standardisation of Scenarios
Scenarios are data structures in HEIMDALL that hold all necessary information (conditions, resource information, hazard information, forecasts, … ) During the project the scenario data model is consecutively aligned to EDXL standards and user requirements generated in the project Snapshots of the scenarios are used to share information about the situation  OASIS EDXL-SitRep. We found that this requires an extension of EDXL-SitRep Standard First version ready and will be validated in the next software release, April 2019 (e.g. EDXL weather effects, urgency and status elements) (e.g. attach documents) Will be ongoing and final version expected end of the project worth stressing what the aspects/issues of HEIMDALL requiring our involvement in OASIS standardization discussion

8 Lessons Learnt + Response Plans
After review of Driver+ Project Lessons Learned Framework (LLF) there is no agreement on common structures to find and share lessons learnt among different organizations or even within the same organization Response plans, no common structure found HEIMDALLs first design is ready Structure is split in a common part for all disciplines and a specific part

9 Lessons Learnt #Tags/Keywords
How to find lessons learnt? Current solution: Associate a lesson learnt to multiple scenarios End-user-friendly solution: #tags/keywords for scenarios and lessons learnt

10 Thank you for attention!
Benjamin Barth Telephone German Aerospace Center (DLR) Institute of Communications and Navigation

11 HEIMDALL Services and Products

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