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Good Morning HW: Mod 44 & Study! Upcoming:

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1 Good Morning HW: Mod 44 & Study! Upcoming:
Test and Unit 8 work due next class

2 Stress Practice FRQ Basic Stress Concepts General Adaptation Syndrome
BBC Documentary Discuss theories of stress and the effects of stress on psychological and physical well-being

3 1. Stress types COPY THIS Stress is the process by which we appraise and cope with environmental threats and challenges. Stress comes in two types: Distress – stress perceived as being negative Eustress – stress perceived as being positive, but still carries with it heightened arousal.

4 2. Stressors - What causes you stress
Create a table on your own paper like this With your table write down what causes you stress. Place the each stressor in the correct category. Consider what stresses you out may motivate someone else. Your chart may not look like your neighbors’. Example: Heights stress my father out, but for me I like to climb; so, they motivate me to get to the top. Distress Eustress

5 Stress Appraisal How we psychologically appraise an event reflects how we experience and respond to stress.

6 Sources of Stress Main source of stress are daily events
Using the socio cultural frame of analysis, try to explain the chart below:

7 General Adaptation Syndrome

8 General Adaptation Syndrome

9 General Adaptation Syndrome

10 General Adaptation Syndrome

11 Documentary BBC - The Truth About Stress

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