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Background Broward County currently operates a 10 MGD reuse facility located at the North Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant. Customers include commercial,

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1 Broward and Palm Beach County Regional Reclaimed Water Project May 26, 2016

2 Background Broward County currently operates a 10 MGD reuse facility located at the North Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant. Customers include commercial, industrial and the City of Coconut Creek. The system currently supplies 4 MGD of reuse. Broward also provides effluent to Pompano Beach to supply their reclaimed water treatment plant.

3 Background (cont’d) Broward’s project to bring reclaimed water to Coconut Creek won the 2009 ASCE Florida Section Broward Branch “Project of the Year”. Will supply up to 3 MGD to Coconut Creek’s Sabal Pines Park, various medians as well as commercial and residential properties. Agreements are currently being finalized

4 Impact of Ocean Outfall Rule
In 2008, the Florida Legislature passed the Ocean Outfall Rule impacting Broward County and other outfall utilities in South Florida. This rule required Broward to limit operations of the Ocean Outfall by 2025 and required Broward to provide 60% of the historical outfall flow as beneficial reuse. Since Broward’s historical flow was 37.4 MGD, our requirement to provide an additional 22.4 MGD of beneficial reuse was mandated by this rule. This means that Broward has to supply approximately 26 MGD of reuse by Initial cost estimates for this impact was on the order of $500 million dollars.

5 Project Details Expand existing reuse plant from 10 MGD to 26 MGD
Provide a large transmission main to the boundary of Palm Beach and Broward Finance construction of Palm Beach distribution system

6 Project Details Expand existing reuse plant from 10 MGD to 26 MGD.
Estimated cost of design and construction of $53 million.

7 Ex. Line to Coconut Creek
Project Details Provide a 42” reclaimed transmission main to the boundary of Palm Beach and Broward. Estimated design and construction cost of $12 million. Has a secondary benefit in the ability to provide a 20” reclaimed main to North Springs Improvement District’s Wedge Properties. Palm Beach Broward Quiet Waters Park Ex. Line to Coconut Creek NRWWTP

8 Project Details Broward finances construction of Palm Beach distribution system. Estimated design and construction cost of $44M. Will be paid back through system revenues. NSID

9 Summary This regional project is a win-win for both Counties.
This project represents the most cost effective method to achieve compliance with the Ocean Outfall Legislation by reducing impact to rate payers from $500M to $65M. Provides potential for dedicated revenue stream to fund future expansions of the Broward system.

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