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Commitments and Cooperation

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1 Commitments and Cooperation
CAPACITY BUILDING FOR CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION IN THE MARITIME SHIPPING INDUSTRY Commitments and Cooperation Presented by Dr. Pacifica F. Achieng Ogola | Sustainable Blue Economy Conference, Nairobi Kenya, November 2018 Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC), 11:00Hrs - 13:00Hrs, Tent “B” The Global MTCC Network (GMN) project is funded by the European Union and implemented by IMO The views expressed in this presentation can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union

2 Co-benefits of Emissions Reduction
The need to reduce emissions is influencing Legislation on compliance (Policies, Statute Laws and Regulations) Air quality will improve in the long term, and hence reduce health associated problems caused by air pollution Low-carbon economic development initiatives arising from energy efficiency New jobs while implementing the action plans (climate change adaptation and mitigation related)

3 Co-Benefits of Emissions Reduction

4 Request to Strengthen MTCC-Africa
MTCC-Africa has achieved some notable milestones through financial support by the European Union and technical guidance of IMO Strengthening MTCC-Africa will provide an outreaching arm for IMO on the following matters: Encouraging States to ratify and domesticate MARPOL Annex VI Reduction of harmful emissions from the maritime shipping industry Enhancing energy efficiency Adoption of low carbon technologies

5 Commitments and Cooperation
Jointly planned Capacity Building Projects – skilling of professionals in the maritime shipping industry Specific research on climate change, reduction of harmful emissions, energy efficiency, and low carbon technologies Pilot projects to demonstrate practical compliance with GHG reduction targets and MARPOL Annex VI Rolling out viable pilot projects across the continent Facilitating growth and development in the Blue Economy by strengthening our Institutions Constant communication through exchanging technical information, research results, newsletters, compliance advisories, investment advisories Fundraising for Programs, Projects and Activities

6 Cooperate, for exponential growth in the maritime shipping industry


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