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Illinois Higher Education Information System (IHEIS)

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Presentation on theme: "Illinois Higher Education Information System (IHEIS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Illinois Higher Education Information System (IHEIS)
New Data Collection Portal January 18, 2019

2 IHEIS Data Collection Webinar
Fall Enrollment Data Collection will open up 1/28/19 Existing users to sign up. User Management Data Submission Process Validations and Required Data Elements

3 Schedule For Opening January 18th Webinar
January 23rd Registration for Primary Administrators January 28th Official Opening for the Fall Enrollment Collection March 18th Fall Enrollment due.

4 Collection Timeline Illinois Higher Education Information System (IHEIS) Data Collection Collection Type Collection Cycle Open Date Close Date Fall 2018 Enrollment AY Enrollment Cycle 1 January 28, 2019 March 18, 2019 Spring 2019 Enrollment AY (include Winter Term if on Trimesters or Quarters) Cycle 2 April 30, 2019 July 31, 2019 Summer Enrollment AY Cycle 3 September 30, 2019 Graduation FY (July 1, June 30, 2019) Graduation August 1, 2019 October 4, 2019 Business rules Required data elements and checks on other data. Ex. We only require HS data from underggraduates. A fall semester cannot start in the months 1-7,

5 New User Registration Main Page

6 New User Registration Click the ‘Register’ link to create your profile

7 New User Registration Pt. 1
Organization & Role -Click the button next to ‘Institution’ -Fill in your title (i.e. Director of IR, Registrar) -Use the drop down menu to select your institution -Your role will be set to Primary Administrator Organization & Role -Click the button next to ‘Institution’ -Fill in your title (i.e. Director of IR, Registrar) -Use the drop down menu to select your institution -Your role will be set to Primary Administrator. The P.A. will create all other user profiles.

8 New User Registration Pt.2
Personal Information-The following fields are required to create your profile -Enter first name, last name -Institution address, state, zip code -Phone number - address & password Personal Information-The following fields are required to create your profile -Enter first name -Last name -Institution address -Phone number - address -Password

9 New User Registration Pt. 3
*Security Questions -Approval Form (on file for the current Primary Administrators) *Terms & Conditions -Be sure to click to agree to the Terms & Conditions *Click ‘Submit’ button in the bottom right corner Security Questions -Use the drop down menus to select your security questions -Enter your responses to the security questions Approval Form (on file for the current Primary Administrators) Terms & Conditions -Be sure to click to agree to the Terms & Conditions Click ‘Submit’ button in the bottom right corner

10 Logging Into the System

11 Logging into the System
-Enter address -Enter password -Click ‘Submit’ -Enter address, password, click ‘Submit’

12 Profile Page

13 Adding Users Click on the ‘User Management’ tab

14 User Management

15 User Management Click ‘Add Users’ to create a new user profile

16 Adding New Users

17 Adding New Users Pt. 1 Adding New Users -Enter new user title

18 Adding New Users Pt. 1 Adding New Users
-Use drop down menu to assign the new user’s role

19 Adding New Users Pt. 2 Adding New Users -Enter new user’s first name, last name, address, password -Click ‘Submit’ -Enter new user’s first name, last name, address, password -Click ‘Submit’

20 User Status Change Click ‘Change Inactive/Active’ button

21 Edit Profile Click the ‘Edit Profile’ tab

22 Edit Profile Pt. 1 Change Password -Enter and confirm new password
Changing Password -Enter new password and confirm new password Change Personal Information -Edit address and phone number Change Password -Enter and confirm new password Change Personal Information -Edit address and phone number

23 Edit Profile Pt. 2 -Changing Security Questions
-Use drop down menus to select three security questions -Enter unique responses to security questions -Be sure to agree to Terms& Conditions -Click ‘Submit’ -Changing Security Questions -Use drop down menus to select three security questions -Enter responses to security questions -Be sure to agree to Terms& Conditions -Click ‘Submit’

24 Deleting Profiles Click ‘Delete Profile’ tab

25 Deleting Profiles Click ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to confirm

26 Other Info… Registration opens January, 23 2019
System allows one Primary Administrator (PA) per institution PA will need to enter other users for their institution

27 Data Submission The open data collections will be displayed as tiles under the Collection Data List. No more collection cycles! There will only one file for each collection (the last file submitted)

28 Data Submission This is the only one way to upload. No more FTP .
Click on the upload button to upload a file. Follow dialogue box to select file and click OPEN.

29 Data Submission The file shows a status of Validated.
Click on the Collection Details icon.

30 Data Submission Collection Details will show the file details.
Click on COMPLETE to finalize your submission.

31 Data Submission Status shows File Has Error.
The tile shows the number of error records. Click on Detail

32 Data Submission FILE ERROR DETAIL has two reports.
Table on this page shows you the consolidated (aggregated errors) report. Click on Export All for excel file.

33 Data Submission Error Data Report shows each records error.
Export All will put all the details in an Excel file. Report shows the reason for the error.

34 Data Submission If using Excel (recommended) format all cells to text.
This is the same process used for the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) files. Select all and right-click on a column header. Select Format Cells. Select Text and click OK. Make sure your data such as IBHEFICEID, ZipCode and any field with leading zeroes is already in text. Many problems were caused by losing the leading zeroes.

35 Data Submission The file will be checked for the validation that are in the data dictionary. Data Dictionary located at UniqueID required to be in the Career Outcomes Tool. Ethnicity and Race Categories: Report them to IHEIS as you are required to collect by the U.S. Dept. of Education. Two-part question Ethnicity: Hispanic or Not Hispanic 5 – Race categories CitizenStatus NR used for Non-Resident Alien Race/ethnicity coding. HSGPA only required for EnrollmentEntryType = '1' (First-time Undergraduate) EnrollmentFulltime uses >=12 credits for FT Undergrads and >=9 for FT Graduates. Must be CreditHoursAttempted.

36 Data Submission ProgramMajorCIP1 must match current approved programs in program inventory for the enrollment term. If EnrollmentProgramLevel="0" CIP must be InstitutionCodeLastTransfer is required for required for EnrollmentEntryType="2“ (New Transfers) Codes are 6digits, with leading zeroes. Crosswalk

37 Technical Questions Technical Questions may be put by IBHE in this area.

38 Data Quality Dashboard
Data Quality Dashboard is not available for Fall Enrollment Will be available sometime in March.

39 Data Quality Dashboard
Each Audit is a Comparison of data from this year to last. The audits are going to be basic numbers by demographics, and the Validation Reports I had sent that replicate FES II.

40 Data Quality Dashboard
Each Audit is a Comparison of data from the current year’s submission to last. The audits are going to be basic numbers by demographics, and the Validation Reports I had sent that replicate FES II. For example: 200 female enrollments last year; 500 female enrollments this year. A delta of (300) 250%. Parameter is set at 25%. This is out of parameter so it is marked as a potential error. Approval of error or data file correction is required (Just like IPEDS)

41 Thank You IHEIS Team David Smalley Corey Hankins
Dr. Eric Lichtenberger

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