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Genetics Review!.

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1 Genetics Review!

2 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Mendel Mutations Pedigrees Dominance
FINAL JEOPARDY Mendel Dominance Inheritance Mutations Pedigrees $100 $200 $300 $400 $500

3 Question for Mendel - $100 This is known as the study of heredity.
Home View Answer

4 Answer for Mendel - $100 What is genetics? Home View Question

5 Question for Mendel - $200 This is the symbol given to Mendel’s original pure pea plants. (it stands for Parent) Home View Answer

6 Answer for Mendel - $200 What is P? Home View Question

7 Question for Mendel - $300 These types of plants always produce offspring with only one form of a trait. Home View Answer

8 Answer for Mendel - $300 What is “true-breeding” plants? Home
View Question

9 Question for Mendel - $400 This law made by Mendel states that one trait has no effect on the inheritance of another. Home View Answer

10 Answer for Mendel - $400 What is the law of independent assortment?
Home View Question

11 Question for Mendel - $500 This law made by Mendel states that alleles of a gene separate from each other during meiosis? Home View Answer

12 Answer for Mendel $500 What is the law of segregation? Home
View Question

13 Question for Dominance - $100
This is when two alleles are the same. Home View Answer

14 Answer for Dominance - $100
What is homozygous? Home View Question

15 Question for Dominance - $200
This is the physical appearance of a trait. Home View Answer

16 Answer for Dominance - $200
What is phenotype? Home View Question

17 Question for Dominance - $300
If a rabbit is heterozygous for fur coat what would the phenotype be? B = Black b = Brown Home View Answer

18 Answer for Dominance - $300
What is black fur? Home View Question

19 Question for Dominance - $400
This type of dominance is when both traits are dominant and the heterozygote shows a speckled or spotted phenotype. Home View Answer

20 Answer for Dominance - $400
What is codominance? Home View Question

21 Question for Dominance - $500
This type of dominance is when both alleles are dominant and the heterozygote shows a blend of the two dominant traits. Home View Answer

22 Answer for Dominance - $500
What is incomplete dominance? Home View Question

23 Question for Inheritance - $100
This tool is used to predict possible outcomes of genotype crosses. Home View Answer

24 Answer for Inheritance - $100
What is a Punnett square? Home View Question

25 Question for Inheritance - $200
Codominant and incomplete dominant traits can produce this many phenotypes. Home View Answer

26 Answer for Inheritance - $200
What is 3? Home View Question

27 Question for Inheritance - $300
Skin color and height are examples of this type of inheritance. Home View Answer

28 Answer for Inheritance - $300
What is a polygenic gene? Home View Question

29 Question for Inheritance - $400
This type of inherited trait is more common in men and is carried on the X chromosome. Home View Answer

30 Answer for Inheritance - $400
What is an X-linked disorder? Home View Question

31 Question for Inheritance - $500
This is the only way a female can get an X-linked disease. Home View Answer

32 Answer for Inheritance - $500
What is having a mother that is a carrier and a father that has the disease in order to have 2 affected X chromosomes? Home View Question

33 Question for Mutations - $100
This is a change in a gene due to damage. Home View Answer

34 Answer for Mutations - $100
What is an mutation? Home View Question

35 Question for Mutations - $200
This type of mutation is when part of one chromosome breaks and attaches to nonhomologus chromosome. Home View Answer

36 Answer for Mutations - $200
What is a translocation? Home View Question

37 Question for Mutations - $300
This type of mutation is when part of the chromosome flips itself and reattaches. Home View Answer

38 Answer for Mutations - $300
What is an inversion? Home View Question

39 Question for Mutations - $400
This type of mutation is when chromosomes do not split correctly and the end result is an uneven number of chromosomes in the daughter cells. Home View Answer

40 Answer for Mutations - $400
What is nondisjunction? Home View Question

41 Question for Mutations - $500
This is the name of the disorder when the individual has two X chromosomes and one Y. (XXY) Home View Answer

42 Answer for Mutations - $500
What is Klinefelter’s syndrome? Home View Question

43 Question for Pedigrees - $100
This is the shape that represents females in a pedigree. Home View Answer

44 Answer for Pedigrees - $100
What is a circle? Home View Question

45 Question for Pedigrees - $200
This is when an individual is half colored in on a pedigree. Home View Answer

46 Answer for Pedigrees - $200
What is when they are heterozygous or carriers for a trait? Home View Question

47 Question for Pedigrees - $300
A horizontal line between a circle and square represents this. Home View Answer

48 Answer for Pedigrees - $300
What is producing offspring? Home View Question

49 Question for Pedigrees - $400
This is the amount of children parents 1 and 2 have from generation I. Home View Answer

50 Answer for Pedigrees - $400
What is 5? Home View Question

51 Question for Pedigrees - $500
A pedigree that shows only males with colored in shapes and mothers that are half colored represents what kind of trait? Home View Answer

52 Answer for Pedigrees - $500
What is an X-linked trait? Home View Question

53 A heterozygous red eyed female Drosophilia mates with red eyed male
A heterozygous red eyed female Drosophilia mates with red eyed male. What is the genotype ratios for their offspring? XRXr = red eyed female XRY= red eyed male

54 25% XRXr Red eyed female 25% XRXR Red eyed female 25% XRY Red eyed male 25% XrY White eyed male

55 Thank You for Playing!

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