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Karyotype: A display of the chromosome of an individual

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1 Karyotype: A display of the chromosome of an individual
Matched by homologous pairs Chapter 11.3

2 Karyotype Photograph of chromosomes of a normal male
Cell is stopped in the middle of division (metaphase)

3 Karyotype of Normal Male
Shows all 23 chromosomes in order from largest to smallest. Chromosome 23 are the sex chromosomes, this is a male because it is XY

4 Karyotype of Normal Female
Female = XX

5 Diagram of female homologous chromosomes

6 Telomeres Chromosomes end in a protective cap called telomeres.
Consist of DNA associated with proteins Serves protective function for structure of chromosome Might be involved in aging and cancer.

7 Non-Disjunction (failure of homologous chromosomes to separate properly during meiosis)

8 Chromosomal Disorders: Deletion
TurnerSyndrome Monosomy X Students should know types of chromosomal disorders (like deletions and additions) but do not need to know individual syndromes Only one X chromosome = monosomy X, also known as Turner Syndrome. This would be a female (no Y chromosome), may be lacking in some female characteristics (Incomplete puberty, may not menstruate, infertile, short height)

9 Cri du Chat - Cry of the Cat:
Partial Deletion of #5 Cry sounds like a cat (high-pitched), causes mental retardation

10 Chromosomal Additions
Patau's Syndrome: Trisomy of Chromosome 13 3 copies of chromosome 13, child will not develop normally, defects of the heart, kidney, and nervous system

11 Edward's Syndrome: Trisomy of Chromosome 18
Some mental delay and facial deformities

12 Down Syndrome: Trisomy 21
Most common human genetic abnormality, causes mental delay, inhibits physical growth, distinctive facial features

13 Klinefelder Syndrome:
Trisomy 23rd pair XXY Male (have Y chromosome) but may express some female features – low levels of testosterone, sparse facial hair, etc.

14 Trisomy 23: XYY Jacob’s syndrome – may have some learning problems and delayed cognitive abilities. Extra testosterone may cause prevalence of male characteristics (height, facial hair, etc.)

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