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Mission Drift.

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1 Mission Drift

2 A Warning against Drifting Away
Hebrews 2:1 (NLT) So we must listen very carefully to the truth we have heard, or we may drift away from it.


4 Harvard University 1692 ‘Truth for Christ and the Church’

5 Harvard modern seal ‘Truth’



8 St Philip’s Christian College

9 Mission True Organisations
Know why they exist: They are students of their organisational history and can clearly articulate the organisation’s reason for existing. Differentiate means from mission: They understand what is immutable and what is not. They know where they are willing to budge and where they won’t. Change to reinforce their core mission: They are not stagnant. They do not avoid change; instead they pursue change when it will help them become more true to their values and purpose.

10 Mission True Leaders Admit vulnerability: They never forget their own sinfulness. Invite others in: They allow friends and family to speak honestly and candidly into their lives. Create safeguards against impropriety: They build in guardrails like Billy Graham did to help ward off moral failure. Remain in the vine: They know their fruitfulness and success depends entirely on the One who sustains.

11 Mission True Culture Small things matter: (particularly children) Small things done right set the organisation’s tone. Consistency counts: People are treated the same wherever they encounter the organisation. High standards are the same regardless of the activity. Exemplars should be celebrated: When people exhibit the organisation’s values they should be acknowledged. Embed spiritual disciplines: They find ways to build prayer, scripture and fellowship into their normal work rhythms.

12 Mission True Boards Recruit carefully and prayerfully: recruit only members who are engaged and humble leaders. Hold the CEO responsible for the mission: unafraid to make the hard decisions and not bend on areas core to the mission. Follow standard board practices: keep to the constitution and Governance Handbook. Create policies and safeguards: tie the hands of your successors by clarifying and specifying the importance of your organisation’s Christian distinctiveness. Remember the mission: they keep the core values, history and purpose of the organisation central to their meetings and model these values in their own lives.

13 Personal Drift vs Staying True
The organisations ‘Mission Drift’ is the result of drift in individual hearts. Keeping the organisation ‘Mission True’ is the result of the people who make up the organisation remaining true in heart.

14 Am I drifting? Drifting requires no effort
It is an unconscious process You don’t drift upstream or against the tide As you drift downstream your speed increases You become dangerous to others It can all end in a shipwreck

15 2 Timothy 4:7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful

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