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“The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe

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Presentation on theme: "“The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe"— Presentation transcript:

1 “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe
Stanza # Stanza # Student Name Student Name Core # Date

2 Stanza #s Copy of your two stanzas – formatted and ready to present just as Poe wrote them (line breaks, indentations, spelling, capitalization, etc.). These stanzas will be read to the class.

3 Vocabulary – 1st Stanza of your group
A list of words that your peers will need to know in order to fully comprehend the stanza

4 Vocabulary – 2nd Stanza of your group

5 Literary Devices – 1st stanza
State the 1st Literary/Poetic Device Define the literary/poetic device Quote the line that uses the literary/poetic device Explain the impact of the literary/poetic device

6 Literary Devices 1st stanza
State the 2nd Literary/Poetic Device Define the literary/poetic device Quote the line that uses the literary/poetic device Explain the impact of the literary/poetic device

7 Literary Devices – 2nd stanza
State the 1st Literary/Poetic Device Define the literary/poetic device Quote the line that uses the literary/poetic device Explain the impact of the literary/poetic device

8 Literary Devices 2nd stanza
State the 2nd Literary/Poetic Device Define the literary/poetic device Quote the line that uses the literary/poetic device Explain the impact of the literary/poetic device

9 Significant Lines – 1st Stanza
State the line or lines – example 1 Explain why you think it is important State the line or lines – example 2 Explain why you think it is important (do this as many times as needed depending on the number of important lines within your two stanzas)

10 Significant Lines – 2nd Stanza
State the line or lines – example 1 Explain why you think it is important State the line or lines – example 2 Explain why you think it is important (do this as many times as needed depending on the number of important lines within your two stanzas)

11 Summary of 1st Stanza Write an objective summary of 1st stanza. Grammar and syntax counts.

12 Summary of 2nd Stanza Write an objective summary of 2nd stanza. Grammar and syntax counts.

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