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UNECE/Task Force on EIP

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1 UNECE/Task Force on EIP
May 2001 Dietmar Koch EUROSTAT, F3

2 Harmonisation of Energy Statistics
JQ 2000 results and future * NOSE & PER Harmonisation of Energy Statistics Co-operation on CO2 estimates Environmental Accounting for Air Emissions Slide 1

3 JQ 2000 evaluation 11/18 supplied; 3/18 no data for 1998; 7/38 put data on CIRCA NACE breakdown - good starting exercise, mixed picture on UNFCCC data: considerable differences to previous submission (±5%) CO2 : +98% IT CH4 : -55%/1997 DK - 21% FR N2O : +12%/1996 NL - 22% PT %/1997 FR on UNECE/CLRTAP data: 12/18 supplied; +++ AT, DE (1990+), ES, FR, NO, IS, IT, NL; no data FI, UK, SE; differences to previous submission (±5%): NMVOC: +37% DK 1980/97 CO: - 40% BE 1990/95 +57% NL 1995/ ,4/+21% PT 1990/98 +53/-33% PT 1980/98 SO2, NOX and NH3 o.k. - differences need to be explained - NACE mixed picture as expected - no systematic errors - some of them fall into the uncertainty discussion other made use of the recalculation possibilities ... - SE too busy with EU presidency preparation and performance OECD has reservations --meeting is to agree upon this Slide 2

4 ESTAT AQ & AE are EEA domains drop
JQ 2002 preparation ESTAT AQ & AE are EEA domains drop OECD Meeting in June - differences need to be explained - NACE mixed picture as expected - no systematic errors - some of them fall into the uncertainty discussion other made use of the recalculation possibilities ... - SE too busy with EU presidency preparation and performance OECD has reservations --meeting is to agree upon this Slide 3

5 NOSE & PER NOSE is a tool to
link PER data to other (emissions) registers facilitate effective use of PER data across EU countries ensure good comparability with other data (e.g. contribution of PER enterprises to branch-wise, national, European loading etc.) For pollutant releases NOSE-P specifies characteristics processes with linkages to IPPC/Annex I, SNAP, IPCC categories and EWC ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ For PER sites NACE is a common denominator and compatible to economic registers and statistical tools _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ - waste generation processes still to be added to NOSE-P NACE Nomenclature générale des Activités économiques dans les Communautés Européennes (statist. classification of economic activities in the EC) - NACE for consumption-output-trade statistics - NACE Slide 4

6 Project to harmonise Energy Statistics
Countries have been asked to examine energy data (90, 95 98) supplied with CRF and JQs establish a procedure ensuring consistency at national level provide updated time series 90-99 in progress: DK, FI, GR, NL, SE and NO to be done: AT, DE, BE and FR - other countries have not volunteered most likely Slide 5

7 Co-operation on CO2 estimates (1)
ensure consistency at European level avoid duplication of effort streamline reporting Countries - supply estimates and reports to UNFCCC/UNECE/EC via EEA EEA-ETC/ACC - compiles EU data sets for submission to EC and Conventions Eurostat - compiles annual energy statistics - examines data supplied with CRF and JQs - estimates CO2 emissions using energy balance data and the IPCC - RA - other countries have not volunteered most likely Slide 6

8 Co-operation on CO2 estimates (2)
- Gross energy consumption has increased in the EU Slide 7

9 Co-operation on CO2 estimates (3)
- Gross energy consumption has increased in the EU Slide 8

10 Environmental Accounting NAMEA (1)
Asset accounts Forests Sub-soil assets (oil and gas) Land Water Emissions accounts Air emissions and energy use Water (use and pollution) Waste Other (PIOT, expenditures, taxes, land, etc.) Material flows Economy-wide material flow accounts and balances PIOTs Emissions accounts: to ensure integrative consistency, a correspondence table linking NAMEA for Air Emissions to IPCC totals is being developed or a linking table showing the difference between NAMEA totals and IPPC totals will be included in the standard set of tables - PIOT=Physical Input-Output Tables Slide 9

11 Environmental Accounting NAMEA(2)
Environmental economics Environmental expenditure accounts Environment industry Environment taxes Handbooks and manuals SEEA revision with London Group European handbooks (e.g. SERIEE, Forests, material flows, NAMEA) Slide 10

12 Environmental Accounting NAMEA(3)
In the more mature areas frameworks and methods have been developed and their applicability demonstrated in practice. The focus is shifting from development and practical testing to regular provision of data and to supporting systematic implementation of these accounts in Member States. - analyses on trade and pollution burden can be made from NAMEAs >>coop. with EMEP Slide 11

13 NAMEA for Air Emissions
Environmental Accounting NAMEA(4) NAMEA for Air Emissions First publication in 1999: EU12+NO Second compilation of Pilots studies available aims to to summarise latest national pilot applications on NAMEA to present a comparison between European countries at showing how the NAMEA framework is relevant for analysing the coupling between environmental pressure and economic activities at a detailed level Second publication expected in Summer 2001: EU15+NO+CZ Slide 12

14 Wish the inventory society
to agree on a common nomenclature serving multi- reporting purposes to find a consensus between simplicity and completeness at a reasonable level of uncertainty Final

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