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SADC Groundwater Conference September 2018, Johannesburg

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1 SADC Groundwater Conference 26-28 September 2018, Johannesburg
Gap analysis of groundwater data collection and management in SADC Member States SADC Groundwater Conference September 2018, Johannesburg

2 Structure of the project
Assessment of capacities and needs  Gap analysis of groundwater data collection and management in SADC Member States Capacity building activities - Young professional assignments - Training workshops - Framework for groundwater monitoring 1) Assessment of needs, several activities (next slide)  resulting in gap analysis Nb: Assessment per country (not regional, not transboundary, not NGO, not universities,…) 2) Capacity building activities: - in this project (YP assignments, workshops, framework) - in future projects

3 Assessment activities
Literature review Around 60 documents collected (e.g. reports, policy documents, technical manuals, protocols and guidelines) Available in the SADC-GIP database


5 - 145 professionals interviewed in 12 Member States
Country visits - 145 professionals interviewed in 12 Member States Angola Botswana DR Congo Lesotho Madagascar Malawi Mauritius Mozambique Namibia Seychelles South Africa Swaziland Tanzania Zambia Zimbabwe Total Water department 9 8 7 6 - 5 4 3 14 2 80 Other governmental 1 26 Water company University Consultancy Drillers NGO Other non-governmental 15 13 12 11 19 17 145 Explain what we could achieve after country visits and what we were still missing

6 - 22 young professionals from 11 Member States 1 ½ months
YP assignment 1 - 22 young professionals from 11 Member States 1 ½ months 1. Overview of groundwater development in [COUNTRY NAME] 6. Analysis 4. Short comings identified 6.1. Borehole siting 4.1. Borehole siting 6.2. Borehole drilling 2. Data currently collected 4.2. Borehole drilling 6.3. Borehole testing 2.1. Borehole siting 4.3. Borehole testing 6.4. Borehole equipping 2.2. Borehole drilling 4.4. Borehole equipping 6.5. Borehole monitoring 2.3. Borehole testing 4.5. Borehole monitoring 6.5.1.Groundwater levels 2.4. Borehole equipping 4.5.1.Groundwater levels 6.5.2.Groundwater quality 2.5. Borehole monitoring 4.5.2.Groundwater quality 6.5.3.Groundwater abstraction 2.5.1.Groundwater levels 4.5.3.Groundwater abstraction 2.5.2.Groundwater quality 7. Reporting 2.5.3.Groundwater abstraction 5. Proposed improvements 7.1. Borehole siting 5.1. Borehole siting 7.2. Borehole drilling 3. Quality checks performed 5.2. Borehole drilling 7.3. Borehole testing 3.1. Borehole siting 5.3. Borehole testing 7.4. Borehole equipping 3.2. Borehole drilling 5.4. Borehole equipping 7.5. Borehole monitoring 3.3. Borehole testing 5.5. Borehole monitoring 7.5.1.Groundwater levels 3.4. Borehole equipping 5.5.1.Groundwater levels 7.5.2.Groundwater quality 3.5. Borehole monitoring 5.5.2.Groundwater quality 7.5.3.Groundwater abstraction 3.5.1.Groundwater levels 5.5.3.Groundwater abstraction 3.5.2.Groundwater quality 8. Conclusions 3.5.3.Groundwater abstraction Explain how we proceded with the YP, who they are, how they were engaged. YP mostly come from national/regional gw departments

7 Assessment coverage Little info from French-speaking countries/islands
Discuss Portuguese-speaking countries

8 Assessment summary tables: caveats
Assessment is not exhaustive Data may sometimes be uncertain Assessment is a snapshot of early 2018’s situation Loss of information / nuance in the summarizing process e.g. 1: If nobody reports a lack of training, it doesn’t mean that there is no such issue. e.g. 2: If one person reports a lack of training, it may reflect only his opinion. If someone says there are 30 BH, we must believe him e.g. 3: the situation is changing fast in several Member States (e.g. databases dvp, gw monitoring equipment, …) e.g. 4:

9 Overview of borehole siting, drilling and testing data
ISO code Borehole siting, drilling and testing data collection Storage Shared online? AGO no BWA all BH hardcopies + spreadsheets COD LSO public BH MWI MUS MOZ spreadsheets NAM GROWAS2 ZAF NGA yes SWZ TZA ? ZMB GEODIN ZWE DRAFT We separate 2 categories of data: BH data and monitoring data

10 Overview of groundwater monitoring
ISO code Monitoring of groundwater Monitoring objectives Overarching institution levels quality abstr. AGO no Ministry of Energy and Water BWA yes Assessment of wellfields and large groundwater users Ministry of Minerals, Energy and Water Resources COD Ministry of Environment, Conservation of Nature and Tourism LSO General assessment of groundwater resources Department of Water Affairs MWI Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development MUS General assessment of groundwater resources / Assessment of seawater intrusion Ministry of Energy and Public Utilities MOZ Ministry of Public Works, Housing and Water Resources NAM Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry ZAF Department of Water and Sanitation SWZ Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy TZA Ministry of Water and Irrigation ZMB Ministry of Water Development, Sanitation and Environmental Protection ZWE Assessment of wellfields Ministry of Environment, Water and Climate DRAFT

11 Overview of groundwater level monitoring
ISO code Gw levels monitoring Nb bh Scale Method Frequency Organization in charge Storage Shared online? AGO no BWA yes ~ 1000 local dip meter + data logger 1 month Department of Water Affairs spreadsheets COD    LSO 48 national dip meter 3 months MWI 75 regional data logger 15 minutes Department of Water Resources HYDSTRA + WISH MUS 300 4 months Water Resources Unit MOZ ? ARAs NAM 630 1 day - 3 months Directorate of Water Resources Management GROWAS2 ZAF 1800 months Department of Water and Sanitation NGA SWZ TZA 23 0,5 h River Basin Organizations ZMB ~ 100 Department of Water Resources Development GEODIN ZWE 527 Zimbabwe Water Authority, Groundwater Division hardcopies + spreadsheets DRAFT Gw level, in almost all countries and relatively well documented

12 Overview of groundwater quality monitoring
ISO code Gw quality monitoring Nb bh Scale Freq. pH, T, EC Major ions Micro- biology Organization(s) in charge Storage Shared online? AGO no BWA yes ? local Department of Water Affairs / Water Utilities Corporation COD LSO national 3 months Department of Water Affairs spreadsheets MWI variable Department of Water Resources HYDSTRA MUS Central Water Authority 29 regional 1 month Water Resources Unit MOZ ARAs NAM Directorate of Water Resources Management GROWAS2 ZAF 378 6 months Department of Water and Sanitation NGA + WMS SWZ TZA var. River Basin Organizations ZMB ZWE DRAFT Less clear data, seems to be on a variable basis

13 Overview of groundwater abstraction monitoring
ISO code Groundwater abstraction monitoring Organization(s) in charge AGO no BWA large wellfields - Water Utilities Corporation - large groundwater users COD LSO MWI MUS 400 BH Central Water Authority MOZ NAM licensed groundwater users NAMWATER ZAF SWZ TZA ZMB ZWE DRAFT

14 Gap analysis Budget Monitoring objectives and strategy
Interpretation of groundwater data QA/QC procedures Data storage and sharing Some patterns emerge at the SADC scale. (almost) everybody complains about low budget  5 main gaps

15 Budget Insufficient staff
Insufficient equipment (e.g. piezometers, sampling sets, transport, computers, lab analyses) Staff for monitoring and for law enforcement (e.g. licenses) BH = new BH and maintenance of BH (Collapsed boreholes)

16 Monitoring objectives and strategy
Few official groundwater data collection plans with dedicated budgets and numbered objectives Absence of clear groundwater monitoring purposes Related issues: access to monitoring boreholes, irregular sampling, etc. GW-MATE, 2006 It may be that these plans exist but are not shared, but it is likely that they don’t exist and that monitoring is performed on an incidental basis, depending on the budget available

17 Interpretation of groundwater data
Lack of interpretation of groundwater data No interpretation because no data? Or no data because no interpretation? Lack of training Lack of software programs

18 QA/QC procedures The data collected are sometimes (often?) of poor quality Lack of protocols and guidelines (for monitoring, siting, drilling and testing, for lab analyses, data check) Lack of field forms/templates Lack of data interpretation Some countries have protocols and guidelines that can be easily uptaken

19 Data storage and sharing
Few countries rely on relational databases and software programs. Spreadsheets and hardcopies are still frequently used. Data are stored in different locations Lack of reliable data backup strategies Barrier to data sharing GW-MATE, 2006 Use of database software could be implemented at reasonable cost Mention vandalism

20 Acknowledgements Eelco Lukas, Modreck Gomo Institute for Groundwater Studies (IGS), University of the Free State Geert-Jan Nijsten, Neno Kukuric, Arnaud Sterckx International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre (IGRAC) 145 interviewed persons 22 Young Professionals GMI Collection of hydrogeological data, processing and mapping  digital hydrogeological map. Downloadable with the brochure.

21 Thank you for your attention
Thanks to project staff and coauthors Thanks to persons interviewed Thanks to YPs Thanks to GMI

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