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Being confident means being outspoken or egocentric.

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1 Being confident means being outspoken or egocentric.
Originally the reverse is true -the egocentric loudmouth is usually much less confident than they let on. Being confident means being outspoken or egocentric. In truth, the most confident people are usually the ones who are quietly happy with themselves and their lives.

2 CONFIDENCE……………. ………….is about knowing yourself, who you are, why you are here, and what you want to do. It is all about self-trust.

3 Author and Speaker Brian Tracy
For example: You have confidence in other people because you trust them and can depend on them. The same goes for yourself. If you trust yourself, your ideas and your abilities, then you have confidence. ‘Peace of mind’ is the highest goal of every human being'. Author and Speaker Brian Tracy

4 How does it HELP??? Improve your relationships
Increase your career opportunities. Financial success People who are confident have genuine peace of mind because they know themselves, are clear on what they stand for and what they are doing with their lives.

5 Where does it COME from? We cannot live above or below our own beliefs about ourselves. This is especially true for confidence, as our fears can often hold us back. From early childhood People closest to us shape our beliefs Our personal foundations After a time, they begin to form the basis for our personality and eventually our adult personality is created.

6 ACTIVITY You write a big list of things you’d like in your life.
Now pick a few to work towards right now. Keep the list with you, and keep working on the list until you have reached your goals.

7 ‘A person without goals is like a ship without a rudder'.
An old saying ‘A person without goals is like a ship without a rudder'. If you have no goals, you are like a ship with no ability to steer. But with clear goals in place, you can set your 'rudder' towards them and even the worst storms will not push you too far off course. First Step: SET GOALS

8 Activity Take the time to think about what you want in your life and write down some values. 2. Words like integrity, freedom, contribution, courtesy and success are excellent places to start.

9 Second Step: YOUR VALUES To build confidence is to get clear on your values. Each of us must stand for something on our lives, and it's important that WE know what it is.

10 'ask and ye shall receive'
Third Step: ASK WHAT YOU WANT The old principle…………………. is still alive and true today 'ask and ye shall receive' The confident person is able to ask people for whatever they want or need. Read biographies of business leaders and you will be amazed how often they ask for help and advice. If there are things in your life that you want or need, begin asking for them, and you may be surprised how much you improve your life.

11 Building confidence, is not to take things personally
Taking negative remarks or events as a personal attack is a reason why so many people are unhappy. Next time someone or something happens to you that makes you feel angry or anxious, remember to stop taking it personally. Fourth Step: DO NOT TAKE THINGS PERSONALLY.

12 "I don't know the secret of success, but the secret of failure is to try to please everybody"
A winning trait of a confident person is that they believe in their ideas and are willing to follow thorough on them. If you are continually seeking approval from other people, you won’t get very far. Fifth Step: MAKE YOUR OWN CHOICE

13 This means that doing the things that create confidence………………………..
'reciprocal causation'. This means that doing the things that create confidence……………………….. …………………. makes it easier to do more confidence building activities. In essence, you begin to create an upward spiral.

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