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Teaching with angr: A Symbolic Execution Curriculum and CTF

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching with angr: A Symbolic Execution Curriculum and CTF"— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching with angr: A Symbolic Execution Curriculum and CTF
Jacob M. Springer1,2, Wu-chang Feng1 1Portland State University 2Swarthmore College Teaching with angr we made a series of capture the flag levels and an associated curriculum designed to teach symbolic execution techniques to students This CTF isn’t like a typical CTF It’s pedagogical, not evaluative It’s scaffolded and metamorphic—we will discuss these

2 What is symbolic execution?
Outline What is symbolic execution? How do we teach it? I want to talk about two things in this presentation First, symbolic execution Next, now do we teach it?

3 Symbolic execution: why should you care?
First, what is the point of symbolic execution? Technique to search programs to discover vulnerabilities/bugs automatically Check for correctness Important in security and program verification

4 Symbolic execution: why should you care?
Program analysis and testing

5 Symbolic execution: why should you care?
Program analysis and testing Microsoft applications (PowerPoint, Word, etc.)

6 Symbolic execution: why should you care?
Program analysis and testing Microsoft applications (PowerPoint, Word, etc.) DARPA's Cyber-Grand Challenge

7 Symbolic execution: why should you care?
Program analysis and testing Microsoft applications (PowerPoint, Word, etc.) DARPA's Cyber-Grand Challenge Important for students to understand and apply

8 What is symbolic execution?

9 Find input to print “Good Job.”
A simple CTF level source code Goal is to print “Good Job.” Students receive this as a binary Must reverse engineer the check_code function to return 1 Symbolic execution is CTFs for the lazy Tell it you are looking for when the program prints “Good Job” It searches it for you and gives you a solution

10 Execution paths can be represented as a tree.
if (input > SECRET+100) if (input == SECRET+68) if (input < SECRET) if (input <= SECRET+78) if (input & 0x1) if (input & 0x2) if (input & 0x4) return 0; return 1; if (input >= SECRET+88) Execution paths can be represented as a tree. #define SECRET 100 int check_code(int input) {     if (input >= SECRET+88) return 0;     if (input > SECRET+100) return 0;     if (input == SECRET+68) return 0;     if (input < SECRET) return 0;     if (input <= SECRET+78) return 0;     if (input & 0x1) return 0;     if (input & 0x2) return 0;     if (input & 0x4) return 0;     return 1; } How does it do it? Can represent a program as a directed graph Children of nodes are the next possible instructions A node has two or more children when it branches Thus, finding a solution is a search problem

11 Animation: Building a Set of Paths
Legend: Blue = already executed Yellow = active Red = terminated if (input >= SECRET+88) Start with the first instruction

12 Animation: Building a Set of Paths
Legend: Blue = already executed Yellow = active Red = terminated if (input >= SECRET+88) return 0; if (input > SECRET+100) Since we branch, we look at the two possibilities

13 Animation: Building a Set of Paths
Legend: Blue = already executed Yellow = active Red = terminated if (input >= SECRET+88) return 0; if (input > SECRET+100) return 0; if (input == SECRET+68) When we find a “return 0” (since we know we don’t want it) or reach a leaf of the tree, we stop looking at it

14 Animation: Building a Set of Paths
Legend: Blue = already executed Yellow = active Red = terminated if (input >= SECRET+88) return 0; if (input > SECRET+100) return 0; if (input == SECRET+68) return 0; if (input < SECRET) We found what we wanted! return 0; if (input <= SECRET+78) return 0; if (input & 0x1) return 0; if (input & 0x2) return 0; if (input & 0x4) Eventually, we find what we want return 0; return 1;

15 Applying symbolic execution
Once we have a path, we can build an equation that can be solved by the computer: if (input >= SECRET+88) if (input > SECRET+100) if (input == SECRET+68) if (input < SECRET) if (input <= SECRET+78) if (input & 0x1) if (input & 0x2) if (input & 0x4) return 1; input >= SECRET+88 ∧ input > SECRET+100 ∧ input == SECRET+68 ∧ input < SECRET ∧ input <= SECRET+78 ∧ input & 0x1 ∧ input & 0x2 ∧ input & 0x4 Left: the path we found Right: an equation built from the path Solving the equation yields an input that will lead the program to print Good Job

16 Angr-y CTF Goal: Build a curriculum and a set of capture-the-flag (CTF) levels to introduce students to symbolic execution

17 Our Approach

18 Our Approach Modeled after MetaCTF (USENIX 3GSE 2015)
Find a password that causes a program to print "Good Job." Modeled after MetaCTF Built by Prof. Wu-chang Feng at Portland State University Levels are scaffolded and metamorphic (we will talk about this soon, I promise) All levels require student to find input that prints Good Job

19 Our Approach Modeled after MetaCTF (USENIX 3GSE 2015)
Find a password that causes a program to print "Good Job." 18 scaffolded levels Requires symbolic execution to solve We organize it into 18 scaffolded levels

20 Our Approach Modeled after MetaCTF (USENIX 3GSE 2015)
Find a password that causes a program to print "Good Job." 18 scaffolded levels Requires symbolic execution to solve Uses angr ( We use the angr symbolic execution engine, though we focus on concepts rather than implementation within angr So, these levels should generalize to any symbolic execution tool

21 A typical level What does a typical level look like?

22 A typical level Student receives a binary and a template angr script

23 A typical level Student receives a binary and a template angr script
Student edits the template to analyze the binary

24 A typical level Student receives a binary and a template angr script
Student edits the template to analyze the binary Student runs the script which prints a password

25 A typical level Student receives a binary and a template angr script
Student edits the template to analyze the binary Student runs the script which prints a password Student runs the binary and types in the password to confirm their work

26 The levels are scaffolded

27 What does scaffolding mean?
Support structure, just like a scaffold Guided, incremental introduction of concepts Scaffolding, much like a real-life scaffold, provides structure for students Guides students through challenges We will look at examples On the right, it is a screenshot of the level names from the GitHub repository Even in their name, they give hints about how to solve them

28 CTF Modules Basic symbolic execution Symbol injection
Handling complexity Automated exploitation Organized into four categories

29 Scaffolding for pedagogy: not frustrating
Level 1 Well documented Only need to change two lines This is the first level There are a lot of lines of code HOWEVER Mostly comments documenting each line Student only needs to change two lines (in red) Description tells the student how to solve the level, requires that student understand that description No emphasis on syntax or implementation details

30 Scaffolding for pedagogy: guided
Tells student how to get started This is an example of a conceptual description of a level Take a moment to read this We want to find an arbitrary write vulnerability Challenges are not open-ended (and therefore not frustrating) Student should already know how to do this manually Taught previously in the class

31 Scaffolding: simple This is the first level
Important part of the code are last two lines Student needs to find the instruction address of where the program prints “Good Job” Then, angr will search for it using .explore

32 MetaCTF Example Remember this example? It compiles into the assembly on the right Student can find this address and plug it into the script

33 Scaffolding: builds on previous concepts
Plugging it into the script is shown here Very simple first level, helps build confidence

34 Scaffolding: incremental and reinforcing
Level 02 (find_condition) Level 03 (symbolic_registers) I will show you the strategy for solving two sequential levels The point is to demonstrate that we add on concepts incrementally and then use reinforcement by repetition

35 Scaffolding: incremental and reinforcing
Level 02 (find_condition) 1. Load binary 2. Define the termination condition (Has the program printed “Good Job.”?) 3. Search binary for condition Level 03 (symbolic_registers) Read slide

36 Scaffolding: incremental and reinforcing
Level 02 (find_condition) 1. Load binary 2. Define the termination condition (Has the program printed “Good Job.”?) 3. Search binary for condition Level 03 (symbolic_registers) 2. Inject symbols 3. Define the termination condition (Has the program printed “Good Job.”?) 4. Search binary for condition As you can see, level 03 has the same solution as level 02, but requires student to inject a symbol, introduces that concept and reinforces the previous one

37 Scaffolding: conceptual
First glance: seems complicated At first glance, this seems complicated Goal of this level is to find a place where we can make an arbitrary instruction pointer jump

38 Scaffolding: conceptual, part 2
This still might look complicated, but really, it’s simple First, get the instruction pointer reference Check if we can find an input that will cause the instruction pointer to jump to where we want Constrain the instruction pointer to be our desired value (not shown) solve for the input

39 What does metamorphic mean?
Different SECRET for every student Can generate arbitrary C code Metamorphic is a fancy word for meaning that each binary has a different password Different SECRET for every student Notice that the difficulty is consistent We can also generate arbitrary C code (and we do!)

40 Metamorphic levels Reduce cheating Allow reuse
Maintain consistency of difficulty across students

41 Evaluation Offered Winter 2018 in Portland State University's CS 492/592: Malware course Last 2 weeks focused on symbolic execution Survey given at the end of two weeks 33 of 42 responded

42 Results Curriculum and scaffolding allow students to complete most levels Completion percentage Number of students 95-100% 25 85-95% 4 75-85% 6 Below 75% 7

43 Survey Ratings evaluate helpfulness of curriculum and CTF
Very Unhelpful = 1 Very Helpful = 5 Q1: Rate the lecture material for understanding the concepts Q2: Rate the CTF exercises for understanding the concepts Rating 1 2 3 4 5 Mean Q1 17 12 4.15 Rating 1 2 3 4 5 Mean Q2 18 9 3.94

44 Survey Q3: Rate the CTF exercises for developing skills in using symbolic execution techniques Rating 1 2 3 4 5 Mean Q3 16 10 3.94

45 Try the CTF!
Also on GitHub

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