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What is the Problem with Football?

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Presentation on theme: "What is the Problem with Football?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the Problem with Football?

2 Name as many professional football players that you can, who are gay or bisexual…
…difficult isn’t it?

3 So, what’s the problem with football?
There are “out” LGB people in other sports… So, what’s the problem with football?

4 Let’s play a game of guess the sport!
L = Lesbian – women who are attracted to women. G = Gay – people who are attracted to other people of the same gender as themselves. B = Bisexual – people who are attracted to people of their own gender and other genders. Let’s play a game of guess the sport!

5 Guess the sport! Nicola Adams (bisexual) Boxing

6 Guess the sport! Tom Daley (gay) Diving

7 Guess the sport! Cycling Judith Arndt (lesbian)

8 Guess the sport! Strongman Competitor Rob Kearney (gay)

9 Guess the sport! Jason Collins (gay) Basketball

10 Guess the sport! Isadora Cerullo (lesbian) Rugby

11 Isadora’s girlfriend proposed to her on the pitch at the 2016 Rio Olympics…
She said “yes”!

12 So, what is the problem with football?
In fact, there are some “out” LGB footballers…

13 Lianne Sanderson England Erin McLeod Canada Lisa Dahlkvist Sweden Chichi Igbo Nigeria Megan Rapinoe USA Casey Stoney England Michelle Heyman Australia Katie Duncan New Zealand Stephanie Labbe Canada

14 So, maybe a better question is, what is the problem with men’s football?

15 Is the problem…. The gay or bisexual footballer?
The team surrounding that player? Concerns about how wider society will react? Nope – definitely not. Maybe – but they probably know already. Probably, because this is a bit of an “unknown”.

16 What is the situation like in school or college?
Can people that are LGB, or trans (T), here, be open about that fact? If not, is the problem… The lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans person? The friends surrounding that person? Concerns about how other people in school or college will react? Nope – definitely not. Maybe – but they probably know already. Probably, because this is a bit of an “unknown”.

17 How do we solve this problem?
Football Schools Some men have set up gay and bisexual only football clubs…. Many schools now have groups for LGBT+ students…

18 What makes teams and schools work well for ALL people in them?
It is one thing creating safe spaces for LGBT+ people, but how do we create inclusive teams and inclusive schools? What makes teams and schools work well for ALL people in them? Teamwork Solidarity Respect Awareness Acceptance Communication Kindness

19 …what are you doing to help create environments where everyone feels able to be themselves?

20 Theme for 2018 – “Alliances for Solidarity”

21 Find your local group for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT+) young people via The Proud Trust website:


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