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From theory to practice: The value of exercising, training and awareness in building resilience. Gianluca Riglietti, CBCI Research & Insight Manager, BCI.

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Presentation on theme: "From theory to practice: The value of exercising, training and awareness in building resilience. Gianluca Riglietti, CBCI Research & Insight Manager, BCI."— Presentation transcript:

1 From theory to practice: The value of exercising, training and awareness in building resilience.
Gianluca Riglietti, CBCI Research & Insight Manager, BCI 1

2 BCI Good Practice Guidelines Training Course Introduction Version 1.2
Today’s agenda Introduction Emergency communications preparedness Supply chain preparedness Trend analysis Cyber preparedness Key takeaways The structure of this presentation follows the different issues addressed in the report.

3 Partner organizations
Over 8,000 members Members in 124 countries What is the BCI? A global membership and certifying organization for business continuity and resilience professionals Member-Owned, Not-for-Profit Professional Association Established in 1994 in the United Kingdom Chapters: Asia, Australia, Canada, Japan, Nordic, South Africa, Switzerland and United States Over 8,000 members in more than 120 countries working in an estimated 3,000 organizations in private, public and third sectors Our membership grades provide assurance of technical and professional competency 10 Chapters and over 50 local forums 150 Partner organizations

4 Exercising emergency communications plans
BCI Good Practice Guidelines Training Course Introduction Version 1.2 Exercising emergency communications plans Two out of five respondents exercise their plans at least once a year (42%); this shows a slight drop from last year (49% to 42%). On the other hand, 30% of the organizations claim to do so regularly, a 9% increase from last year. Further, 14% of the organizations either never exercise their plans or do so on an ad hoc basis (Figure 13).

5 Exercising your plan Organizations exercising their plans
Organizations not exercising their plans Organizations activating their emergency communications plans within one hour 90% 66%

6 Training and education programmes
BCI Good Practice Guidelines Training Course Introduction Version 1.2 Training and education programmes Training and education programmes for emergency communications are central components of this study. They play a key role in strengthening key skills needed to effectively implement plans during a disruption. The vast majority of respondents (75%) include emergency communications plans in their training and education programmes (Figure 11). However, only 57% of them report to have done so regularly (Figure 12), showing an 8% decrease from last year (65% to 57%). This highlights the need to maintain and raise awareness on emergency communications plans, which have the potential to save lives as well as avoid losses for organizations.

7 Training and education
Organizations with training and education programmes Organizations without training and education programmes Organizations activating their emergency communications plans within one hour 91% 80%

8 Exercising in the supply chain
Organizations running exercises among their suppliers Organizations not validating their suppliers’ plans in any way Organizations not having full visibility of their supply chain disruptions 21% 38%

9 Top management buy in Organizations running exercises among their suppliers Organizations not validating their suppliers’ plans in any way Organizations with high top management commitment 44% 24%

10 Longer term trend analysis
BCI Good Practice Guidelines Training Course Introduction Version 1.2 Longer term trend analysis Nearly a quarter do not conduct longer term trend analysis (23%), even though most of respondents do.

11 Longer term trend analysis
BCI Good Practice Guidelines Training Course Introduction Version 1.2 Longer term trend analysis The data shows how there is some lack of communication within organizations, as 29% do not have access to trend analysis.

12 BCI Good Practice Guidelines Training Course Introduction Version 1.2

13 BCI Good Practice Guidelines Training Course Introduction Version 1.2

14 BCI Good Practice Guidelines Training Course Introduction Version 1.2
Cyber disruptions

15 Exercising your cyber detection plans
Organizations exercising their plans and conducting awareness-raising initiatives Organizations not validating their plans Organizations detecting a cyber incident within 24 hours 88% 77%

16 Exercising your cyber response plans
Organizations exercising their plans and conducting awareness-raising initiatives Organizations not validating their plans Organizations responding to a cyber incident within one hour 40% 23%

17 Business continuity arrangements
BCI Good Practice Guidelines Training Course Introduction Version 1.2 Business continuity arrangements

18 Case study: Tesco Bank

19 Key takeaways Preparedness is key to ensuring resilience
Training can help make staff familiar with the organization’s response plans Exercising plays a vital role in embedding the plan Trend analysis allows a better visibility of the threat landscape Figures show the clear benefits of following best practice.

20 Thank you

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