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Intro to Programming Concepts

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Presentation on theme: "Intro to Programming Concepts"— Presentation transcript:

1 Intro to Programming Concepts

2 Statements Declaration Statement Executable Statements
Creates Variables, Constants, Arrays, or Procedures Executable Statements

3 Declaration Statements
Dim Temperature as Integer = 100 Dim = make room for it in memory Temperature = variable, a name for the memory space holding a value As Integer = what type of data Temperature is

4 Overview Keywords Operators Values Logical Assignment Comparison
Concatenation Values Variables Constants Literals Expressions

5 Keywords A Keyword is a reserved word. It means something to visual basic, so you cannot also use it out of it’s VB context. EX: And, As, Integer, If, Else, Date, Sub, Error. 130 or so.

6 Operators Logical Mathematical Comparison Assignment
And, Or, Not Mathematical +, -, *, /, \, MOD, ^ Comparison <=, >=, =,<> Assignment =, += , etc Concatenation (Joining) &

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