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Mitosis and Meiosis Review

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1 Mitosis and Meiosis Review

2 What does DNA stand for? Deoxyribonucleic Acid What is the monomer of DNA? Nucleotide What are the 3 things that make up the nucleotide? Sugar (Deoxyribose in DNA) Phosphate Base What are the 4 bases called? Adenine Thymine Guanine Cytosine Who “discovered” DNA? Rosalind Franklin

3 Why must DNA replication occur?
So that each cell has a copy of DNA List the 3 steps of DNA replication. Helicase splits the DNA molecule into 2 strands DNA Polymerase brings in free nucleotides and “matches up complimentary bases” 3. Ligase “glues” the nucleotides together Why does Mitosis and Cell Division occur? So that old cells can be replaced by new cells List the stages/phases of Cell Division. Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, Cytokinesis List the stages/phases of Mitosis. Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase

4 What is the net result of Mitosis?
2 cells exactly identical to the original cell What is created in Meiosis? Gametes – Egg and sperm cells What is the net result of Meiosis? 4 cells with half the number of chromosomes that are not genetically identical to one another Remember I did not even put in things like the specifics of each phase/stage, diagrams, spindle fibers, centrioles, chromosomes, sister chromatids, haploid, diploid, tetrad, homologous chromosomes etc……

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