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“Day F” Friday: Nov. 13, 2015 LUNCH (1st Lunch) 7:57 - 8:45

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Presentation on theme: "“Day F” Friday: Nov. 13, 2015 LUNCH (1st Lunch) 7:57 - 8:45"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Day F” Friday: Nov. 13, 2015 LUNCH (1st Lunch) 7:57 - 8:45
7: :45 Exploratory 8: :35 Social Studies 9: :25 English 10:30 – 11:03 11: :03 LUNCH (1st Lunch) Math Express 12: :54 Science 12: :44 Math (Need math notebook today) 1: :30 locker

2 DO NOW: Nov. 13, 2015 Take out your H.W. (pg. 45)
Pick up the “Common Assessment #2” worksheet (on top of projector) Complete the worksheet Pass into class’s tray when done.

3 Homework: Page 45 #1 Eva is the faster swimmer.
Nov. 13, 2015 1 25 1 26 Eva is the faster swimmer. Eva swims 26 meters in 1 minute, which is faster than Sarah who swims 25 meters in 1 minute.

4 Weight on Jupiter’s Moon
Homework: Page 45 #2 Nov. 13, 2015 Weight on Earth Weight on Earth’s Moon 120 lb. 20 lb. Weight on Earth Weight on Jupiter’s Moon 150 lb. 28 lb. X 5 X 5 X 4 X 4 112 lb. 600 lb. 100 lb. 600 lb. A person on “lo” will weigh more than a person on our moon.

5 Today’s Objective: Nov. 13, 2015 I will be able to create equivalent ratios using a ratio table and represent these ratios on a double number line diagram. I will also be able to use a double number line diagram to solve ratio problems related to the real world.

6 Page 46 Nov. 13, 2015 × 3 ÷ 2 6 18 20 ÷ 2 60 × 3 Answer found by either multiplying or dividing both 12 and 40 by the same number.

7 Page 46 Nov. 13, 2015 What are some of the challenges we face when using a table for this type of problem? “34 is not a multiple of 6, and we are counting by 6s for the ounces of cola and by 20s for grams of sugar” Video:

8 Page 46 My estimate is between 6 and 12 ounces but closer to 6 ounces.
Nov. 13, 2015 My estimate is between 6 and 12 ounces but closer to 6 ounces. I need to find 1/4 of 6 and add it to 6.

9 How do you feel? Nov. 13, 2015 topic.

10 Homework: pg. 48 Ticket-To-Go: Nov. 13, 2015
Kyra is participating in a fundraiser walk-a-thon. She walks 2 miles in 40 minutes. If she continues to walk at the same rate, determine how many minutes it will take her to walk 7 miles. Use a double number line diagram to support your answer. ? It will take Kyra _________ minutes to walk 7 miles.

11 Use examples to model and act as a guide for emerging learners
Nov. 13, 2015 Accommodations Read or reread presentation or activity directions, as needed or after prompting Use examples to model and act as a guide for emerging learners

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