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DEFINE Emotional Intelligence.

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Presentation on theme: "DEFINE Emotional Intelligence."— Presentation transcript:

1 DEFINE Emotional Intelligence.
Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others. It is generally said to include three skills: emotional awareness; the ability to harness emotions and apply them to tasks like thinking and problem solving; and the ability to manage emotions, which includes regulating your own emotions and cheering up or calming down other people.

2 How does Lear react to Cordelia’s refusal?
Monday 15th January 2018

3 Starting at line 90 “Nothing will come of nothing
Starting at line 90 “Nothing will come of nothing. Speak again” and finishing at line 158 “Out of my sight!” identify a range of quotations which show how Lear is behaving in this scene. First of all, he is angry at Cordelia. Then he is angry at Kent for trying to intervene. Both moments tell us a lot about Lear’s state of mind in this scene. Independent 15.

4 Foolish Measured Unmerited Unsympathetic Calm Aggressive Rash Proud Unjust Sensible Violent Defiant Secure inferences: Rank these adjectives. How do they link to the quotes you have chosen from the scene? These adjective will now become your inferences to respond to the question.

5 Developing AO2 “Nothing will come of nothing: speak again”
Syntactic parallelism Paradoxical use of abstract noun Imperative commands “So young, and so untender?” Rhetorical interrogative Syndetic pairing of adjectives Abstract noun Metaphor “…thy truth then, be thy dower”

6 Does Lear have any emotional intelligence?

7 How does Lear react to Cordelia’s refusal?
In Act 1 Scene 1, Lear’s reaction to Cordelia’s refusal to engage in the ‘love test’ shows us that he is a character lacking in emotional intelligence. His rash and hubristic nature means that he wants his daughters to engage in acts of vanity towards him. Therefore, he does not recognise the genuine love that Cordelia feels towards him. His rhetorical interrogative “So young, and so untender?” illustrates his desire for hyperbolic expressions of love (such as the ones Goneril and Regan provide) meaning that he misconstrues her description of love as he questions her own nature. The syndetic pairing of adjectives “young..untender” show that he was expecting a very different response from his youngest, and most loved, daughter. The adjective “untender” shows that Lear feels wounded by her response, believing her actions to be an unjust attack on his character.

8 How does Lear react to Cordelia’s refusal?
“Nothing will come of nothing: speak again” Rash Impulsive Hubristic Unjust The Body Natural The Body Politic Shakespeare’s message to James? King Leir? “So young, and so untender?” “…thy truth then, be thy dower”

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