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Welcome to Finnair A350 era.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Finnair A350 era."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Finnair A350 era.
Mikko Turtiainen Vice President Global Sales Welcome to Finnair A350 era.

2 18 weekly flights during S2017
87 weekly flights to Asia during S2017 Over 70 destinations in Europe

3 The Regional network of Finnair
Finland is an ”island” with long distances Neighboring countries important to Finland Growing attractiveness of Nordics and Scandinavia Increase tourism

4 Achieving regional connectivity – challenges and opportunities
Profitable and sustainable shorthaul operations The right passenger mix: 1.) Corporate demand from both points of origin 2.) Leisure demand from both points of origin 3.) Network demand – short haul to short haul / long haul to short haul Balance of this mix or a sufficinient amount of one of the ”segments” Airlines can adjust operations with the objective in improving route result by: In the bucket of options for the customer? Adjusting schedule if possible Adjusting frequency & identifying seasonality Adjusting aircraft size & identifying seasonality Seasonal flying

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