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Dual Language Planning & Collaboration Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "Dual Language Planning & Collaboration Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dual Language Planning & Collaboration Meeting
***Please sit with your grade level table August 30, 2017

2 Meeting Agenda Norms Important Dates Introductions
Dual Language Program Quick Review Biliteracy Unit Framework (BUF) presentation through Google Classroom (GC) Practice Unit Planning upcoming unit Begin Diving into Lesson Planning with your grade level partners Padlet for feedback ideas and comments


4 Meeting Agenda Norms Important Dates Introductions
Dual Language Program Quick Review Biliteracy Unit Framework (BUF) presentation through Google Classroom (GC) Practice Unit Planning upcoming unit Begin Diving into Lesson Planning with your grade level partners Padlet for feedback ideas and comments

5 Important Dates DL Planning & Collaboration Meeting
Bilingual Teachers’ Beginning-of-the-Year Meeting Important Dates

6 Meeting Agenda Norms Important Dates Introductions
Dual Language Program Quick Review Biliteracy Unit Framework (BUF) presentation through Google Classroom (GC) Practice Unit Planning upcoming unit Begin Diving into Lesson Planning with your grade level partners Padlet for feedback ideas and comments

7 Introductions Think of something you have implemented in your class, related to Dual Language strategies, that has worked well for you. A Dual Language strategy I have tried is __________. The result of using this strategy was ____________. Una estrategia de Lenguaje Dual que he implementado fue __________. El resultado de usar esta estrategia ha sido ____________. Turn and Talk to a partner. Everyone please stand… Listen to instructions Then state your: Name, School, Grade Level, & Share... Modeling Sentence Stems, color coding, and turn and talk

8 Meeting Agenda Norms Important Dates Introductions
Dual Language Program Quick Review Biliteracy Unit Framework (BUF) presentation through Google Classroom (GC) Practice Unit Planning upcoming unit Begin Diving into Lesson Planning with your grade level partners Padlet for feedback ideas and comments


10 Today’s Focus:




14 *Include an Interactive Cognate Wall



17 Academic Vocabulary/ Sentence Frames
There are some documents on each Google Classroom with English versions of these Sentence Stems/Prompts. I will be working on translating them and posting when complete.




21 Meeting Agenda Norms Important Dates Introductions
Dual Language Program Quick Review Biliteracy Unit Framework (BUF) presentation through Google Classroom (GC) Practice Unit Planning upcoming unit Begin Diving into Lesson Planning with your grade level partners Padlet for feedback ideas and comments


23 Biliteracy Unit Framework (BUF) Planning
DL Lesson Planning 1 pager link here Log on to STEMscopes: Take out your calendars (or download one here) to month of September Open up your grade level’s science YAG (use Eduphoria, GC, or your own docs) Sign into Google Classroom for each grade level: Dual Language Learning Class Code: fv3fgk Kinder ubla7w5 1st zml9zqv 2nd 136efo9 3rd v1nsr41 4th uxgaf0

24 Bookmark your next unit’s scopes on STEMscopes
Use Google Classroom, Eduphoria or your documents to locate the YAGs. What are the TEKS? Kinder: Unit 3: K.5A, K.5B 1st: Unit 3: 1.5A, 1.5B 2nd: Unit 3: 2.5A, 2.5B, 2.5C, 2.5D 3rd: Unit 2: 3.5A, 3.5B, 3.5C, 3.5D 4th: Unit 2: 5.5A, 5.5B, 5.5C, 5.5D

25 Meeting Agenda Norms Important Dates Introductions
Dual Language Program Quick Review Biliteracy Unit Framework (BUF) presentation through Google Classroom (GC) Practice Unit Planning upcoming unit Begin Diving into Lesson Planning with your grade level partners Padlet for feedback ideas and comments

26 < < Unit Planning Unit 2
Identify the number of days for your next unit according to Pacing Guide, and mark it on your calendar using < > Outline with a green line on top of these dates Next, underline first two days of this unit with yellow Finally, underline remaining days of this unit in blue < Explore Unit 2 Oracy Unit 2 <-Science Block <-ELA Block Unit 2 Bridge Unit 1 LEA Unit 1 Oracy Unit 2 LEA Unit 1 Science Concepts Unit 2 Extension Unit 1 Science Concepts Unit 2 Extension Unit 1 Reading Integration Unit 2 Extension Unit 1 Writing/ Word Study Unit 2 Extension Unit 1 <

27 Meeting Agenda Norms Important Dates Introductions
Dual Language Program Quick Review Biliteracy Unit Framework (BUF) presentation through Google Classroom (GC) Practice Unit Planning upcoming unit Begin Diving into Lesson Planning with your grade level partners Padlet for feedback ideas and comments

28 Curriculum Science: STEMscopes + literacy resources

29 Science Concepts Bridge & Extensions

30 Meeting Agenda Norms Important Dates Introductions
Dual Language Program Quick Review Biliteracy Unit Framework (BUF) presentation through Google Classroom (GC) Practice Unit Planning upcoming unit Begin Diving into Lesson Planning with your grade level partners Padlet for feedback ideas and comments

31 Feedback please: Go to this page:
Or scan QR code: Please let me know if today’s meeting was helpful and ideas on how to improve it for next month. See you September 11th for BOY Bilingual Teachers’ Meeting! And on September 25th for our next session of DL Planning & Collaboration!

32 Meeting Agenda Norms Important Dates Introductions
Dual Language Program Quick Review Biliteracy Unit Framework (BUF) presentation through Google Classroom (GC) Practice Unit Planning upcoming unit Begin Diving into Lesson Planning with your grade level partners Padlet for feedback ideas and comments

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