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Published byMiles Owens Modified over 6 years ago
School District of Palm Beach County Charter School Fiscal Training November 13, 2018
Discussion for Today Charter Tool Benchmarks Financial Monitoring
Prior Fiscal Year Current Fiscal Year Financial Monitoring Monthly financial statements Annual financial reviews Important Grant Related Items Understanding the Charter School Revenue Worksheet Resources Available on District Website Authoritative Guidance Key Takeaways
Prior Fiscal Year Related Benchmarks
July 31 – Annual Audit Contract (Audit Engagement Letter) July 31 – General Ledger July 31 – Annual Program Cost Report August 1 - Unaudited Annual Financial Statements **changes to FY19 template, including new accounts and detail of categoricals** September 30 – Final amended budget minutes evidencing board approval September 30 – Annual Financial Statement Audit* including management letter and response and minutes evidencing board approval September 30 – Annual property inventory form reconciled to annual audit (69I F.A.C.) + **all non-capitalized personal property e.g. desks, chairs, file cabinets, routers, iPads etc.** March 31 – Form 990 and extension, if applicable March 31 – Single Audit *Note: Charter schools are not component units of the school district and auditors that are not members of the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) Governmental Audit Quality Center (GAQC) will be reported to the Audit Committee
Current Fiscal Year Related Benchmarks
July 31 - Adopted Budget July 15 - Annual Contract for Accounting Services July 15 – ACH Deposit Form (revised in FY19) September 7 - Florida Classroom Supply Assistance – affidavit/roster/check request October 15 - Florida Classroom Supply Assistance – verification of payment October 31 – Immediate Aid to Restart School Operations (Restart) Program Grant - including Election to Participate and Assurances, Budget Narrative DOE 101S, and Narrative description (on Word document-charter school letterhead) November 2 – Educational Facilities Security Grant - Election to Participate and Assurances, Budget Narrative DOE 101S, Narrative description (on Word document- charter school letterhead), and Project Performance Accountability DOE 900D April 15 – Verification Best and Brightest payment was paid to qualifying teachers by April 1.
Current Fiscal Year Related Benchmarks
Monthly/Quarterly – Financial Statements, checklist and budget amendments, if applicable (no more than thirty (30) days after the last day of the reporting period, (6A , FAC) Monthly/Quarterly – Grant reporting 21st Century, Planning/Implementation Grants, Restart and Security Grant - Itemized Expenditure Reimbursement Report, if applicable, find under June benchmarks. IDEA and Title I have separate benchmarks from each department. Annual - Financial reviews for those selected
Benchmark Reminders Whenever financial reports are uploaded – change status to “ready for review” For benchmarks that you believe do not relate to your school – change status to “exemption requested” For example high performing school only needs to report quarterly If a benchmark is “locked” send an to Sharon Kovner to “unlock” the benchmark. Remember to respond to notes and change status to “ready for review” if any new documents are added.
Monthly Financial Statements – Common Mistakes
Transfers in and transfers out do not match, with no explanation Fund balance does not agree between statements Beginning fund balance is not updated to match the final audited financial statements (starting with October financial statements) Balance sheet does not balance Assets = liabilities + fund balance Budgeted FTE is higher than actual Amend budget if more than a 5% variance No explanations are provided for significant variations Loans and transfer made to schools outside Palm Beach County Supporting documentation for loans is not provided (i.e. board approved agreement, repayment terms, signed board minutes evidencing approval to governing board Special revenue is not reported in a separate fund Capital projects are not reported in a separate fund
Monthly Financial Statements – Common Mistakes Special Revenue
Grants (IDEA, Title I, Implementation, Food Service, etc.) should be reported in a special revenue fund. Refer to FLDOE Financial and Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools (2018 Red Book) Special revenue funds are used to account for and report the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are restricted or committed to expenditures for specified purposes other than debt service or capital projects Special revenue funds should be budgeted appropriately at the beginning of the school year and not commingled in the general fund
Monthly Financial Statements – Common Mistakes Capital Outlay
Capital revenue should be reported in a capital outlay fund. Refer to FLDOE TAN No Charter School Capital Outlay Funding - Eligible Uses and Charter School Financial Reporting Transfers must be made to the general fund for those expenditures that do not meet the definition to be reported in a capital outlay fund. Any unspent funds in the general fund must be transferred back to the capital outlay fund
Financial Checklist
District Responsibility for Assessing Financial Condition SBE Rule 6A-1.0081, FAC
Timely notification to the Charter School Board of a financial concern that needs to be addressed, otherwise the schools risk closure. What are the conditions: Actual enrollment (FTE) is less than 70% of budgeted/projected enrollment (FTE). Expenses exceed budgeted expenses for three (3) consecutive months. YTD budget = Annual budget/12 x months elapsed Expenses exceed revenues for a period of three (3) consecutive months. Unbudgeted financial events for which the school has insufficient reserves to compensate. If any of these occur provide an explanation to possibly avoid a financial Corrective Action Plan (CAP).
Annual Financial Review – Five Areas
Budget Preparation – policy & procedures and benchmarks Financial Accounting – policy & procedures including review to ensure Financial Accounting policy and procedures are being implemented, review of accrued liabilities (prompt payment, AP aging, notes, loans, lines of credit and/or related party), capital assets, expenses exceeding revenue, financial CAPs, CSR, no material weakness or significant deficiencies, and benchmarks Grants Accounting – policy & procedures and reported in a separate fund and benchmarks Transparency – website includes annual budget independent audit, and minutes Financial Viability – financial indicators, cash flow, fund balance, steady FTE counts
Annual Financial Review
Possible ratings Meets the Standard - All indicators are rated Compliant unless Not Applicable. Partially Meets the Standard - No more than 10 indicators are rated Non-Complaint. Does Not Meet the Standard - Neither of the above, meets criteria for financially deteriorating condition, or a serious issue of non-compliance is identified by the district. Beginning with the FY19 Financial Annual Review: Charter schools receiving a rating of “Partially Meets the Standard” or “Does Not Meet the Standard” will be required to prepare and present a corrective action plan to District staff. Depending on the nature and severity of the noncompliance, charter schools may also be required to present such a corrective action plan, after it has been reviewed by District Staff, to the School Board for review and approval. The plan must be presented within 60 days of receipt of notice of noncompliance from the District, unless the parties mutually agree to extend the date of completion of the corrective action plan by the charter school.
How are schools selected for an annual financial review?
Every school is reviewed at a minimum once every three years regardless of risk assessment and those deemed “higher risk” including but not limited to: Schools in first few years of operations Schools with turnover at leadership levels Declining enrollment Unexpected enrollment growth Change in the student demographics Audit findings Incomplete /inaccurate grant reimbursements Deficits with no explanation Expenditures exceeding budget/revenue Financial statements with common mistakes Non-engaged boards and/or school leadership Not providing information timely
Important Grant Related Items
Entitlement and competitive grants are all reimbursement based. Last date to issue purchase orders is 30 days prior to the grant project ending date. Goods and services must be received/performed by the grant project ending date. Invoices for goods and services received/performed must be paid within 15 days of the grant project ending date. Reimbursement must be requested by the same date. Budget Amendments for projects must be approved by the FLDOE no later than 60 calendar days before the end of the grant project period. Do not wait until the end to submit a reimbursement request or risk losing the funds! Charter Schools must also comply with the Greenbook Uniform Grant Guidance (UGG) was effective December 26, 2014. Purpose is to create one document with consistent procedures for all grant programs by consolidating existing grant guidance (such as circulars). District Grants Manual is available on the district website.
FY19 IDEA Allocation IDEA allocation will change each year based the following factors: Award $38,662603 Indirect cost $1,070,954 Private school set aside $1,753,083 Shared services $6,175,960 Net available $29,662,605 % of charter disable students x 8.9% Charter school share $2,640,406 Weighted charter FTE / 12,762 Base funding $206.90 251 = $206.90 252 = $ ($ x 3) 253 = $1, ($ x 7) 254 = $2, ($ x 11) 255 = $3, ($ x 18)
FY19 IDEA Allocation - PreK
PreK IDEA allocation to five eligible schools will change each year based the following factors: Award $1,002,488 Indirect cost $27,769 Private school set aside $12,141 Shared services* $0 Net available $962,578 % of charter disable students x 3.24% Charter school share $31,230 Weighted charter FTE / 659 Base funding $47.39 251 = $47.39 252 = $ ($47.39 x 3) 253 = $ ($47.39 x 7) 254 = $ ($47.39 x 11) 255 = $ ($47.39 x 18) * Shared services to be reassessed each year.
What is Title I Comparability?
General funded staffing at Title I schools must be the same as non-title schools based on dollars or staff ratios. Starting in FY17, DOE required that charter schools are included with district schools. Date certain = Last day of October survey period Reminders: Hire certified teachers and enter in PeopleSoft Update staff and salaries in PeopleSoft (data in PeopleSoft is reported to FLDOE) If out of compliance and not corrected, you risk losing your Title I allocation.
Understanding the Charter School Revenue Worksheet
Section I Base Student Funding
Understanding the Charter School Revenue Worksheet
Section 2 ESE Guaranteed Allocation
Understanding the Charter School Revenue Worksheet
Section 3 Charter School % of UFTE and WFTE – used to calculate categoricals
Understanding the Charter School Revenue Worksheet
Section 4-16 Categoricals
Understanding the Charter School Revenue Worksheet
Section 17 CSR Categorical
Understanding the Charter School Revenue Worksheet
Section Transportation, Teacher Classroom Supply, Food Service
Understanding the Charter School Revenue Worksheet
Section 22 Administrative Fee and Monthly Payment October Payment = 9 remaining months (Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, and June)
Resources Available on District Website
Important financial and grant deadlines Current and historical payments including FEFP and federal grants Provide link to your external auditor Job aid for charter schools to order from district warehouse Any invoices over 60 days past due will be deducted from the school’s FEFP payment ACH forms Required to be submitted annually, must be signed by the board chair Link to FLDOE Charter School Revenue Estimate Worksheet Link to FLDOE Charter School Capital Outlay Allocations Link to Charter Support Unit (CSU) Provides support to charter schools in the first three years of operation Provides useful resources for all charter schools
Authoritative Guidance
Florida Statute sections* – , , , F.S. Florida Administrative Code SBE Rule* – 6A , 69I Charter School Contract FLDOE Red Book, Green Book, TANs Federal Compliance Supplements Uniform Grant Guidance (UGG aka Super Circular) Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) Governmental Accounting Standards Florida Auditor General/Charter Schools Provides rules and guidelines, auditor selection requirements and required electronic submission of audited financial statements Performs FTE audit every two to three years Audits district compliance with monitoring charter school fiscal oversight every two to three years *Most common
Key takeaways Using a management company does not eliminate the responsibly of the charter school board or school leadership from the responsibility of fiscal oversight. If you do not understand your financial statements ask your accountant or management company to explain. Remember the governing board and management are responsible for fiscal management The more explanations you provide the fewer questions you will have from the district. Use the financial checklist to avoid a financial Corrective Action Plan. Recommend monthly/quarterly budget amendments Build up a reserve to address contingencies: To address unexpected decline in enrollment, hurricane damage, audit finding, etc. Charter schools must maintain support for the Florida Auditor General, Inspector General and/or District Audits/Reviews. Any audit findings will be deducted from your FEFP.
Charter School Compliance
Contact Information Heather Knust, Budget Director PX 48702 William Dufresne, Specialist PX 45881 Charter School Compliance Payments Sharon Kovner (benchmarks, charter school grant reimbursement, cost report) Budget Analyst Direct (561) PX 47315 Rick Oglenski (charter school payments, i.e. FEFP payments) Specialist Direct (561) PX 48766
Walk down memory lane… Everything on the previous slides except final amended budget or monthly financial checklist PLUS: Financial Mid-year and Final reviews – for ALL schools Monthly – general ledger Monthly – bank reconciliation and copies of ALL cancelled checks Grant reimbursements – invoices and copies of cancelled checks Before Charter Tools – school mailed, delivered or scanned support. No consistency on accountability And more….
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