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English Reading An Introduction

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1 English Reading An Introduction
张Andy 创思英语:

2 OUTLINE Reflection: Questions Nature: What is reading?
Purpose: Why do we read? Approach: Intensive & extensive R Importance: Input & output Strategy: Be an efficient reader Syllabus: Teaching reading

3 1 Questions How often do you read? Why do you read?
What do you read and why? How do you read, before, while and after? What is reading? What is extensive reading?

4 2 What is reading? How does reading proceed? The traditional view
Readers are passive recipients of the text information. The cognitive view It emphasizes the interactive nature of reading and the constructive nature of comprehension. The metacognitive view Metacognition involves thinking about what one is doing while reading.

5 2 What is reading? Fluent reading is a(n) process. rapid efficient
interactive strategic flexible evaluating purposeful comprehending learning linguistic

6 3 Why do we read? To search for simple information To skim quickly
To learn from texts To integrate information To write To critique texts For general comprehension

7 4 Intensive & extensive R
Vs. Purpose Material Focus Compr. Star Ir Language Well-chosen Text Detailed Teacher 联系CET,Read in depth, Skimming and scanning Er Information Widely-ranged Skill General Student

8 Input Competence 5 Input & output Output Read & Listen learning
Speak & Write learning Competence Practice 读书破万卷,…… 破万卷书,…… “The best way to improve your knowledge of a FL is to go and live among its speakers. The next best way is to read extensively in it.”

9 6 Be an efficient Reader Specifying a purpose for reading
Planning what to do/what steps to take Previewing the text Predicting the content of the text (sections) Checking predictions Posing questions about the text Finding answers to posed questions Connecting text to background knowledge 联系CET,Read in depth, Skimming and scanning

10 6 Be an efficient Reader Summarising information Making inferences
Connecting one part of the text to another Paying attention to the text structure Rereading Guessing the meaning of new words from context Using discourse markers to see relationships 联系CET,Read in depth, Skimming and scanning

11 6 Be an efficient Reader Checking comprehension
Identifying difficulties Taking steps to repair faulty comprehension Critiquing the author Critiquing the text Judging how well objectives were met Reflecting on what has been learned from the text 联系CET,Read in depth, Skimming and scanning Reading Models and Ability

12 7 Teaching reading 高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲 教学目的与要求 教学计划与方法(任务教学、自评报告)
参考资料(图书、网站) 联系CET,Read in depth, Skimming and scanning A reading program is to enable students to enjoy (or at least feel comfortable with) reading in the foreign language, and to read without help unfamiliar authentic texts, at appropriate speed, silently and with adequate understanding.

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