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Related Work ywsun.

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1 Related Work ywsun

2 Siva Reddy论文 2017-EMNLP-Universal Semantic Parsing
Universal Dependencies(UD) 2016-TACL-Transforming Dependency Structures to Logical Forms for Semantic Parsing Stanford Dependencies(SD) 2014-TACL-Large-scale Semantic Parsing without Question- Answer Pairs CCG syntactic

3 Overview

4 Semantic Parsing as Graph Matching
Ungrounded graph 表示 产生方法 Grounded graph Learning Model

5 Ungrounded graph表示 5类Nodes Word Nodes (椭圆) Entity Nodes (长方形)
Type Nodes (圆角长方形) Mediator Nodes (圆形) Math nodes (菱形) TARGET UNIQUE COUNT 1类edge Connects any two entities via a mediator acquired What is the name of the company which Disney acquired in 2006?

6 Ungrounded graph产生方法 例子: Diney acquired Pixar.
Dependency tree Composition (dobj acquired Pixar) (nsubj (dobj acquired Pixar) Disney) Binarization (nsubj (dobj acquired Pixar) Disney) Substitution acquired_arg_1 acquired_arg_2 Disney Pixar e

7 Grounded graph表示 4类Nodes 1类edge
Entity Nodes (长方形) Type Nodes (圆角长方形) Mediator Nodes (圆形) Math nodes (菱形) TARGET UNIQUE COUNT 1类edge link the two entities in the knowledge graph

8 Grounded graph产生方法 例子: What is the name of the company which Disney acquired in 2006?
Entity node  entity Entity-entity edge  relation Entity type node  type 2种转换操作: Contract, Expand

9 Grounded graph产生方法 Contract operation
What is the name of the company which Disney acquired in 2006?

10 Grounded graph产生方法 EXPAND operation
What to do Washington DC December?

11 Learning Model (map ungrounded graph to grounded graphs)

12 Features Edge alignment Stem overlap Contextual features
CONTRACT features Entity-lattice score

13 Ungrounded graph方面, 简单类+操作类问题可能不是挑战
How many firefighters does the fdny have? [['COUNT(2:x , 0:x)', 'QUESTION(0:x)', 'fdny(5:s , 5:x)', 'fdny.arg0(5:e , 5:x)', 'firefighter.arg0(2:e , 2:x)', 'firefighters(2:s , 2:x)', 'have.arg1(6:e , 5:x)', 'have.arg2(6:e , 2:x)', 'how(0:s , 0:x)', 'many(1:s , 2:x)']]

14 Ungrounded graph方面, 组合型+操作类问题是挑战
How many children of ned stark were born in winterfell? ["COUNT(2:x , 0:x)","QUESTION(0:x)", "arg0(5:e , 5:m.stark)", "ned(4:s , 5:m.stark)" "bear.arg2(7:e , 2:x)", "child.arg0(2:e , 2:x)", "child.nmod.of(2:e , 5:m.stark)", "children(2:s , 2:x)","how(0:s , 0:x)","many(1:s , 2:x)", ]

15 Thank you

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