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CHAPTER 6: Control Flow Tools (for and while loops)

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1 CHAPTER 6: Control Flow Tools (for and while loops)

2 Outline Overview Loops – Example The range function The in operator
For loops while loops Using break Using continue Exercises

3 Overview Loops are used to execute a block of code several times.
A loop statement allows you to specify that an action is to be repeated while some condition remains true. There are different types of loops: for, while. Each of them has its specific uses.

4 Five-element sequence
For loops - Examples The following program will print “Hello” five times: Iteration variable Five-element sequence for i in [1,2,3,4,5] : print('Hello') Hello Indentation

5 For loops - Examples The program below asks the user for a number and prints its square, then asks for another number and prints its square, etc. It does this three times and then prints that the loop is done for i in [1,2,3] : num = eval(input('Enter a number: ')) print ('The square of your number is', num*num) print('The loop is now done.') Enter a number: 3 The square of your number is 9 Enter a number: 5 The square of your number is 25 Enter a number: 23 The square of your number is 529 The loop is now done.

6 The range function Example:
The value we put in the range function determines how many times we will loop. The way range works is it produces a list of numbers from zero to the value minus one. For instance, range(3) produces five values: 0, 1, and 2. Examples: range( Number) range( begin,end) range( begin,end,step) for i in range(3): print('Python') Python

7 The in operator The in operator is used with lists.
The in operator is also used with strings. For example, it can be used to tell if a string contains something or not. for i in [3,4,5]: print(i) 3 4 5 Name= 'hello' if 'o' in Name: print('Your string contains the letter o.') Name= 'hello' if ';' not in Name: print('Your string doesn’t contain the letter a.') Your string contains the letter o. Your string doesn’t contain the letter a.

8 For loops For loops are also called "definite loops" because they execute an exact number of times. for i in [0,1,2,3,4]: print(i) print ('----End---') for x in range (5,7): print(x) print ('----End---') Friends =['Ahmad', 'Nawaf', Mohammad'] for x in Friends: print('Hi ', x) print ('----End---') 1 2 3 4 ----End--- 5 6 ----End--- Hi Ahmad Hi Nawaf Hi Mohammad ----End---

9 While loops Example: No Yes n = 5 print (n) n = n -1 n = 5
print ('End') Yes n = 5 n = 5 while n > 0 : print (n) n = n-1 print ('End') print (n) 5 4 3 2 1 End n = n -1

10 While loops While loops are called "indefinite loops" because they keep going until a logical condition becomes False. Loops (repeated steps) have iteration variables that change each time through a loop. Often these iteration variables go through a sequence of numbers.

11 While loops Infinite loop!!! No Yes n = 5 print (n) No Yes n = 5 n=n+1
print ('End') Yes n = 5 print (n) while n > 0 : Infinite loop (No end) 5 n > 0 ? No print ('End') Yes n = 5 n=n+1 while n > 0 : print (n) Infinite loop (No end) 5 6 7 8 print (n)

12 Using break The break statement ends the current loop and jumps to the statement immediately following the loop. It is like a loop test that can happen anywhere in the body of the loop. X=5 while X>1: X=X-1 if X == 3 : break print (X) print ('End') 4 End

13 Using continue The continue statement ends the current iteration and jumps to the top of the loop and starts the next iteration. X=5 while X>1: X=X-1 if X == 3 : continue print (X) print ('End') 4 2 1 End

14 Tips with loops Counting in a Loop
To count how many times we execute a loop we introduce a counter variable that starts at 0 and we add one to it each time through the loop. Lp=0 print ('How many loops before? ', Lp) for i in [21,9,7]: Lp = Lp +1 print ('How many loops after? ', Lp) How many loops before? 0 How many loops after? 3

15 Tips with loops Summing in a Loop
To add up a value we encounter in a loop, we introduce a sum variable that starts at 0 and we add the value to the sum each time through the loop. Sum=0 print (' Sum before loop = ', Sum) for i in [21,9,7]: Sum = Sum + i print (' Sum of all elements = ', Sum) Sum before loop = 0 Sum of all elements = 37

16 Tips with loops Finding the Average in a Loop
An average just combines the counting and sum patterns and divides when the loop is done. Count =0 Sum=0 print (' Count before loop = ', Count) print (' Sum before loop = ', Sum) for i in [21,9,7,3,10,50,12]: Count = Count +1 Sum = Sum + i print (' Sum of all elements = ', Sum) print (' Average of all elements = ', Sum/Count) Count before loop = 0 Sum before loop = 0 Sum of all elements = 112 Average of all elements = 16.0

17 Tips with loops Filtering in a Loop
We use an if statement in the loop to catch / filter the values we are looking for. print (' Before ') for value in [21,9,7,3,10,50,12]: if value >20: print (value) print (' After loop ') Before 21 50 After loop

18 Exercises The code below prints the numbers from 1 to 50. Rewrite the code using a while loop to accomplish the same thing. Write a program that asks the user for their name and how many times to print it. The program should print out the user’s name the specified number of times. A good program will make sure that the data its users enter is valid. Write a program that asks the user for a weight and converts it from kilograms to pounds. Whenever the user enters a weight below 0, the program should tell them that their entry is invalid and then ask them again to enter a weight. [Hint: Use a while loop, not an if statement]. for i in range(1,51): print (i)

19 Exercises Write a program that asks the user to enter his name and a character. The program should print out the user’s name and specify how many times the character occur in his name.

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