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Pre-Primary’s Information Session

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1 Pre-Primary’s Information Session
Welcome to Shea Pre-Primary’s Information Session

2 Aims Foster a love of learning. Become confident people. Make friends.
Learn patience and tolerance. Social skill development. Realise full potential. Fun Literacy skills and numeracy skills.

3 School Vision We provide every student with an education to succeed in our changing world. Our students reflect our four core values of responsibility, respect, caring for others and personal best. They are successful learners who are confident and creative global citizens.

4 Approach to Teaching Children learn by doing and constructing their own meaning based on prior knowledge Collaborative and interactive environment where children can share their thoughts and knowledge with their peers Use of manipulatives and concrete objects – hands on

5 Approach to Teaching Intentional play based learning and inquiry based learning is important in early childhood Positive Reinforcement Every child is unique and is valued Relationships Child centred – their interests, their prior knowledge

6 Behaviour Management 123 Magic and emotion coaching
Class praise, encouragement from peers GOTCHA’S Blue Letters Honour Certificates Visits to the office for good work PATHS Kid of the Day (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies)

7 Implementation is a school wide policy.
123 Magic and Emotion Coaching This program incorporates specific, gentle-but-firm techniques to stop undesirable behaviour as well as encourage positive behaviour. Step 1: Managing undesirable behaviour by counting 1, 2 , 3. On the count of 3, the student will have a short timeout or a privilege removed. Step 2: Encouragement of good behaviour and positive reinforcement. Such as listening to others, following instructions, appropriate behaviour, adhering to class rules. Step 3: Tools for building healthy relationships with children Emotion Coaching is a complimentary strategy to the behaviour management techniques of 123 Magic. Emotion coaching assists teachers to help their children reflect on and identify their emotions and become more competent at managing those emotions. The outcome is that children learn to respond more flexibly and resiliently to environmental triggers. Implementation is a school wide policy.

8 School Priorities Literacy and Numeracy Literacy Block:
Phonics (Letters & Sounds) – Jolly Phonics Spelling – blending, sounding out Reading – Modelled, Shared, Guided & Independent Reading Numeracy Block: Numbers Daily mental maths Resources: EYLF, SCASA Curriculum, Early years learning plan K-2

9 Literacy Expectations – Term 1
Modelled reading & viewing/writing/speaking & listening behaviours Consolidate syllables and rhyming Oral narrative – sequencing pictures, recounts etc 1-8 letters…as per Letters and sounds program. (Jolly Phonics) Oral blending and segmenting Introduce CVC words based on taught sounds Handwriting to match Jolly Phonics programme Writing to convey a message (ongoing) Implement Talk for Writing as per whole school scope and sequence

10 Numeracy Expectations – Term 1
Number & Algebra: Count to 20 (ACMNA001) Count collections to 10 (ACMNA002) Recognise, name and write numerals to 10 (ACMN002) Subitise small collections (ACMNA003) Compare collections (ACMNA289) Identify coins and understand the purpose of money Measurement & Geometry: Know and identify the days of the week (ACMMG007) Connect days of the week to familiar events (ACMMG008)

11 Specialist Programs/Classes
Music – Miss Ee, Wednesday Science – Ms Quinn, Wednesday Sport -Miss Halford, Friday Technology – Ms Quinn, Friday Health – Miss Halford, Friday Obstacle Course and Gross Motor – Tuesday & Thursday mornings

12 Extra Bits Humphreys Dance – Term 1 Week 10 Swimming Lessons – TBA
Laundry Roster Parent Help Assembly – Fridays of even weeks, we don’t go in Term 1 OT & Speech - Referrals

13 At Home Home Readers Begins the start of term 2 (approximately week 2/3). Books will be levelled Assist your child to read through sounding out, rereading, hinting. This should be a time of enjoyment not punishment, for you and your child. Sight Words Sight words will be given in term 2 to those children who are ready for them.

14 Parent / Caregiver to child
Reading at Home Parent / Caregiver to child To assist with reading to your child, there is a tub of books available for borrowing. There are questions within the books to assist you in building your child’s comprehension skills. You may borrow these books each morning - record when you return a book and sign out a new book.

15 Reading at Home Home reading by the child will begin in Term 2 (approximately week 2/3). Books will be levelled Assist your child to read through sounding out, rereading, hinting. This should be a time of enjoyment not punishment, for you and your child.

16 See us regarding any issues A.S.A.P
Things you can do to help your child’s education: Attendance: They have to be at school to learn. Less than 90% is considered at Educational Risk On time: This is critical during our literacy blocks in the morning. Doors open at 8:35am. Sight words: 10mins each night is very beneficial Home Reading: This is essential and should happen daily. Encourage ‘reading for fun!’ See us regarding any issues A.S.A.P Please ensure contact details are up to date.


18 Contact Details Phone the school on 9091 3033 to make an appointment.
I am available to meet before or after school or during my DOTT times.

19 Shea PP Webpage & Connect



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