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Intro to Computer Science Loops

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Presentation on theme: "Intro to Computer Science Loops"— Presentation transcript:

1 Intro to Computer Science Loops
Dr. Olivera Grujic USC

2 Loops?

3 Loops?

4 Computer Science Loop Control flow statement for specifying iteration, which allows code to be executed repeatedly.

5 While Loop in C++

6 While Loop in C++

7 While Loop in C++ Initialization Condition Update

8 Problem with While Pattern
Hard to see all you need to know how the loop progresses Easy to be so engrossed in writing the body of the loop that you forget to increment

9 For Loop in C++

10 For Loop in C++ Condition Update Initialization

11 You Don’t Have to Count Upward!

12 You Don’t Have to Update by 1!

13 DoWhile Loop

14 DoWhile Loop Initialization Update Condition

15 What Does This Code Print?

16 Let’s Rewrite Outer Loop to DoWhile

17 Let’s Rewrite Outer Loop to DoWhile

18 Code Examples

19 Loop Through Strings

20 Verify Phone Number Has 10 Digits

21 Calculates x to the power of n

22 Implements “hotPotato”
Function takes 2 strings Returns false if both strings are empty If either or both strings are non-empty, swaps the values of strings

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