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Linear motion Principles 4 and 5.

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1 Linear motion Principles 4 and 5

2 Learning goals We are learning about the principle of impulse.
We are learning to apply impulse to various sport activities. We are learning about the principle of applied force. We are learning to connect applied force to sport activities.

3 background linear motion: when a body or its collective parts move the same distance, in the same direction, in the same amount of time Momentum: the amount of motion an athlete or object has developed p = mv Impulse: applying a force over a period of time I = Ft Joint Range of Motion: the amount of movement in a joint (degrees)

4 Principle 4: impulse the greater the applied impulse, the greater the increase in velocity when joints moved through greatest range of motion, forces are applied longer and therefore impulse is greater the application of force needed to change the amount of momentum of an athlete or object

5 the greater the pushing force, and the greater the amount of time over which it is applied, the greater the impulse the amount of impulse on an object or body equals the resulting momentum on that object or body (mathematically equal) a small force applied for a long time can produce the same momentum change as a large force applied briefly

6 Sport applications high jumpers jump serve bobsled

7 Shock absorption principle
to slow down a moving mass, the forces needs to spread out over a longer period of time therefore the impact is less noticeable Δp = FORCE x time ➜ Δp = force x TIME if momentum stays the same, force will get less if time is increased catching a ball or receiving a pass in hockey

8 Please complete Find a picture and describe one application (activity or equipment) of the Shock Absorption Principle, which is associated with Principle #4 - Impulse.

9 Principle 5: applied force
movement usually occurs in a direction opposite the applied force i.e. as more force is applied, the same reaction force from the ground will move a person in the opposite direction related to Newton’s Third Law (Action-Reaction)

10 application jumping push up shot put skating sprinting

11 streamlining the need to reduce the negative effects of external forces usually air and water resistance, reduce movement efficiency applications: swimmers downhill skiers

12 Learning goals We are learning about the principle of impulse.
We are learning to apply impulse to various sport activities. We are learning about the principle of applied force. We are learning to connect applied force to sport activities.

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