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Welcome!!! Back to School Night Letters…

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome!!! Back to School Night Letters…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome!!! Back to School Night Letters…
Please take a minute to read your child’s letter to you! If possible, please write a note to your child and leave the letter in or on his/her desk. (Paper and pens are located on the desks. Your child will love it!) We will begin shortly!

2 A message from our PTO!

3 Mrs. Osbeck and Mrs. Wiencek
Back to School Night!! Mrs. Osbeck and Mrs. Wiencek September 5th, 2018

4 Please sign the following papers and leave on your child’s desk…
Confidentiality Form Personal Electronic Device form (optional)

5 Distribution List/November Conference
The Distribution List and the November Conference Sheet were sent to you as Google Docs. Please add your information if needed! Thank you!

6 Attendance Excused Absence:
Any child who is absent from school must present a written excuse signed by the parent or guardian immediately upon his/her return. The note must clearly indicate the reason for absence and must be presented within three school days from the child’s return to school. Please note that a phone call does not excuse your child’s attendance. The school will classify an absence as “excused” for one of the following reasons only: Illness Death in the immediate family Quarantine Exceptionally urgent reasons (will be used only in such unavoidable absences as affect the welfare of the child directly and not for the convenience of the parent) Religious observances WITH prior approval Tutorial work Educational tours or trips WITH prior approval (not to exceed five days per year) Health care

7 Getting to Know Mrs. Osbeck
Attended Council Rock as a student (K-12) 2. Attended the University of Delaware: Played basketball and attained my elementary, special education, and English certifications Finished my Master’s Program as a Reading Specialist at Holy Family University in the Summer of 2009 Married to Gregg, who is a Council Rock teacher at CR South Mom to Charlotte (Charlie) and Wyatt

8 Getting to Know Mrs. Wiencek
Undergrad degree in Accounting. Worked at Merrill Lynch for 12 years before going back to school to become a teacher. Attended LaSalle University: attained Masters in Elementary and Special Education. 4. Married to Robert. Mother of 15 year old twin girls Abigail and Madeline who attend the Pennsbury School District.

9 Fifth Grade Curriculum
Math – Mrs. Osbeck and Mrs. Wiencek Reading – Mrs. Osbeck and Mrs. Wiencek Writing – Mrs. Osbeck and Mrs. Wiencek Science – Mrs. Osbeck and Mrs. Wiencek Social Studies – Mrs. Benzio or Mrs. Molishus Specials

10 Morning Announcements, Lunch Count, and Attendance, Math
Class Schedule Time Class 8:55 AM Students Arrive 9:05-10:05 AM Morning Announcements, Lunch Count, and Attendance, Math 10:05-10:55 AM Language Arts 10:55-11:40 AM Specials 11:40-12:20 PM 12:20-12:45 PM Intervention 12:45 – 1:15 PM Recess 1:15 – 1:45 PM Lunch 1:45 – 2:30 PM Social Studies 2:30 – 3:15 PM Science 3:15 – 3:35 PM Meeting 3:35 PM Dismissal Chorus is on Mondays; therefore the periods are shortened on these days.

11 Journeys – Reading/Writing Program
Research based explicit, systematic instruction in the areas of Reading, Fluency, Writing, Listening and Speaking, and Language. The program aligns to the Common Core State Standards Contains high-quality literature, informational texts, and instructional content Reading Logs KidBiz Differentiated online non-fiction reading program

12 Reading Logs Minimum of 25 books per year Reading Success Tip:
(29 books for Exceeding Expectations) 7 books for the 1st marking period (8 books for Exceeding Expectations) 6 books each for the 2nd - 4th marking periods (7 books for Exceeding Expectations) Log needs to be completed and signed nightly Logs will be checked at random Marking period genre assignments (graded) 2 required genres per marking period 4 different genres per marking period Book Activities (2 writing prompts per marking period) Reading Success Tip: 15 pages or more per night

13 KidBiz Differentiated online reading comprehension program
Kid-friendly, interesting current event articles Reading & writing activities to boost your child’s comprehension of non-fiction texts 2 KidBiz assignments weekly Goal: 70 Kidbiz articles scoring 75% or higher on the first try

14 Writing Workshop Students will write daily & learn
different strategies to grow as writers. Writing Pieces: Persuasive Informational Narrative Descriptive Letter Writing Journal Responses Research Papers Poetry Writing Process Pre-write Rough Copy Peer Conference Revise and Edit Teacher Conference Publish

15 Research Project – Explorers
Multi-genre question-based research project Stages: Research, Note-taking, Drafting, Compiling, Publishing, Presenting Beginning this fall in Library Google Slides presentation Created during Library class Students will present during CRSD Ed week

16 Bridges Mathematics

17 Bridges Mathematics

18 Bridges Mathematics Always show all work Homework every night
Math help available during recess upon request First in Math Assigned Weekly Username and password Math Moments Great math games (compliments of Mrs. Hills) Graphs Multiplication Division Fractions Decimals Percents Probability Problem Solving

19 Science Inquiry-Based, Hands-On Learning Experiment Packet Vocabulary
Learning Logs 1) Microworlds 2) Matter & Elements 3) Mixtures & Solutions 4) Ecosystems STC and Foss kits

20 Learning Log Section in the Binder Approaching Expectations
Science Learning Logs Learning Log Section in the Binder Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaching Expectations Improvement Needed - You exceeded the expectation of 5 factual sentences per entry. - You have included the date, topic, and time in ALL entries. - All entries stay on topic - All entries are strong and well-developed, discussing what you learned -You were organized in your writing and your sentences flowed. - Your sentence structure and word choice are varied. - You wrote 5 factual sentences per entry. - You included the date, topic, and time in most of your entries: 1– 2 are missing - Entries stay on topic. - Entries are written well, mainly discussing what you learned - Most sentences were flowing and organized. - You showed a generic use of sentence structure and word choice. Or... - 1-2 entries are missing - 1-4 entries are missing 5 factual sentences - Some of the entries include topic, date, and time: 3-5 are missing -The topics of the entries are unfocused. -You discussed somewhat what you learned. - Limited word choice and limited control of sentence structure Or… - 3-5 entries are missing - 5 or more entries are missing 5 factual sentences - Most entries do not include topic, date and time: 6 or more are missing - Minimal evidence that the entries are focused on the topic. -You did not discussed what you learned. - Minimal variety in word choice and minimal control of sentence structure - 6 or more entries are missing ** Please Note: If 3-5 entries are missing, then the Learning Log will receive an overall score of a 2 If 6 or more entries are missing, then the Learning Log will receive an overall score of a 1

21 You Be the Chemist! The YBTC Challenge is a fun and innovative academic competition that engages grade 5-8 students in learning about important chemistry concepts, scientific discoveries, and laboratory safety. Challenge competitions are exciting events that take place across the country, encouraging the collaboration of industry members, schools, and community organizations, as together, they educate students about the value of science education and the role of chemistry in their everyday lives.

22 Classwork/Assessments
Social Studies Curriculum Native Americans Civics/Government Colonies Exploration American Revolution Classwork/Assessments Collaborative Groupwork Discussions/participation Presentations Quizzes/Tests Projects Homework

23 Social Studies Textbook Online
Website: User name: (Individualized) Password: (Individualized) Click “Login” Click on “Go to Online Book” Explore lessons, vocabulary, and interactive activities

24 Google Classroom Each student has his/her own Google Account through CRSD and has joined our classroom Login information is posted on my website and written in each child’s assignment book Log in from home and access files All work saves automatically in child’s drive! Submit assignments through Google Classroom Classwork and collaboration with peers

25 Logging into your CRSD Google Account from Home
Open browser (the browser does NOT have to be Google Chrome) Go to Click “Sign In” button at top right *If blue sign in button is not visible, click on waffle and click on Google Drive to locate sign in button Type in and password (this will be the same password the student uses at school) 5. Click next 6. Click on waffle 7. Click on Google Classroom icon Link to Screencastify Video: Link to Guardian’s Guide to Chromebooks:

26 Binders Math Language Arts Science Social Studies
The binders are divided into sub-sections for each subject Please help your child to stay organized Daily upkeep is important

27 Report Cards Standards-based E= Advanced (Exceeds expectations)
95 – 100% M+= (Strongly Meets expectations) % M= Proficient (Meets expectations) 80 – 89% A= Basic (Approaching expectations) 70 – 70% I= Below Basic (Needs improvement) 69% or lower Additional Criteria Time and Effort Completion of Assignments

28 “If a child doesn’t know how to read, we teach
“If a child doesn’t know how to read, we teach.” “If a child doesn’t know how to swim, we teach.” “If a child doesn’t know how to multiply, we teach.” “If a child doesn’t know how to drive, we teach.” “If a child doesn’t know how to behave, we…” PBIS

29 School Wide-Positive Behavior Intervention & Supports
INTRODUCING... School Wide-Positive Behavior Intervention & Supports (SW-PBIS)

30 What is it... A common approach to discipline
Positively stated expectations for all students Procedures for teaching these expectations to students Based on 3 “Pillars” RESPECTFUL RESPONSIBLE SAFE

31 Increased levels of learning
This leads to... Increased levels of learning Less time on redirecting unexpected behaviors Community of practice Common language Shared experiences Consistent expectations Increased positive school climate

32 Positive behaviors are acknowledged with reinforcers
How it works... All students will be taught the expected behaviors in each location during the first 2 weeks of school Positive behaviors are acknowledged with reinforcers Unexpected behaviors are retaught and documented

33 How can you help... Talk to your child about their day
Review the matrix with your child and post it in your home Ask how they show being safe, kind, and responsible at school Model expected behavior and reinforce consequences for unexpected behavior *parent brochure

34 Consequences Per Marking Period 1 check = 10 minutes of recess
2 checks = 20 minutes of recess 3 checks = 30 minutes of recess and contact home 4 checks = Losing a special privilege (Buddy Class, Assembly, etc.) 5 checks = Office write-up

35 Homework Policy Students should expect to have 50 minutes of homework per night Test Folder Helpful Homework Success Tips Missed or Incomplete Assignments Parents will be contacted via after 3 missed assignments. Mrs. Benzio will contact via for social studies. The child will usually make up the assignment during recess. If it homework becomes a problem, special activities could be affected. Report card grades will be affected.

36 Pennsylvania State Standards Assessment Exams
April 2019 (Reading, Writing, and Math) Writing: Persuasive, Narrative, Informational Math: Problem-solving, number concepts, logical reasoning… Reading: Reading comprehension, critical thinking, inferencing skills, …

37 (Walking Tour of Newtown, Arbor Day, and more)
Special Events Halloween Parade Meals for the Homeless Classroom Parties March Madness Field Trips (Walking Tour of Newtown, Arbor Day, and more)

38 Teacher – Parent – School Communication
Goodnoe Website: E-Friday Folder Google Classroom: Study guides, writing assignments, and more will be posted here. Teacher Webpage: Located on Goodnoe Website You can find useful information, such as… Daily homework Important dates and events Learning Log Experiment titles Other important subject information Teacher – Parent Communication:

39 Miscommunication Miscommunication
“To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.” ~ Tony Robbins Please do not hesitate to contact us with a question or concern!

40 Calling All Parents!! 1) Homeroom Parents this year are . . .
Ms. Atkinson, Ms. Ivins, Ms. Wilkoski, 2) Parent-Teacher Conference Time 3) Field Trip Sign-up 4) Party Sign-up

41 Holiday Parties Please be aware that we have dairy, wheat, egg, tree, and peanut allergies in this room. Also, please keep in mind we serve healthy treats and one sugary treat at parties.

42 PTO If you would like to purchase a KidStuff Book, they are on the desk. Please send in the payment of $25. Otherwise, please leave it on the desk and I will send it back to PTO.

43 Thank You!!! Any general questions and comments,
We would be glad to answer. Have a wonderful night!

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