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How to write a good Introduction

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1 How to write a good Introduction

2 Introduction In order to help you write the Introduction to your own research, the model you build must answer the following three questions: • How do I start the Introduction? What type of sentence should I begin with? • What type of information should be in my Introduction, and in what order? • How do I end the Introduction?

3 Structure of Introduction
You may notice that it is symmetrical. This is because many of the things you need to do in the Introduction are done, in reverse order, in the Discussion/ Conclusion. The diagram narrows towards the central report section, and widens after it. in the Introduction you start out by being fairly general and gradually narrow your focus, whereas the opposite is true in the Discussion/Conclusion.

4 Some small tips before the main steps
Use the passive structured sentences when needed. 1 Use simple present mentioning about the facts 2 Construct optimally sized paragraphs to make it easier to read. 3 Main idea is to make first impression on the reader perfectly to convince them read the article 4

5 Writing Task: Build a Model step 1
Establishing the importance of the research topic Indicating that the research field or topic is useful or significant. Don’t be shy about stating why or how your field is important or useful. Internet has brought enormous changes and advantages to the societies all around the world. An individual can do shopping via internet and purchase some product from all around the world. The product cost can be easily paid via internet banking.

6 Step 2 Providing general background information for the reader
If the subject of your research is very specific, then many of your readers will have a high level of background knowledge, and you can start with fairly specific information. If your paper is likely to attract a wider audience, then you should start with more general background information. Don’t forget to include the research references where necessary.

7 I’m still not sure where to begin.
look at your title. It is helpful to your readers if you define the key words in your title, perhaps you can begin with a definition or a fact about one of those key words. This is generally one of the best ways of start writing

8 Can’t I start by describing the problem I am hoping to solve?
You can, but most authors don’t, because it’s sometimes difficult to say exactly what the problem is until your readers have enough background information to understand it. It’s also very hard to limit yourself to one sentence about the problem you are hoping to solve.

9 Step 3 Using research references to support both the background facts and the claim for significance. The short literature review which is generally found in the Introduction of a research article comes later, and is more likely to deal with individual studies and their methods or results. There are many studies on internet banking in various countries (Abushanab, Pearson, and Setterstrom, 2010; Devi Juwaheer, Pudaruth, and Ramdin, 2012; Giordani, Floros, and Judge, 2014; Shanmugam, Wang, Bugshan, and Hajli, 2015).

10 Step 4 Describing the general problem area or the current research focus of the field. Describing the current focus of the field, a problem which many researchers in this field are interested in and which leads to the specific problem which will be addressed in this article. Although the information technology has significant impact on economies and business markets all around the globe, there are still some countries and states which doesn’t still have internet banking system in. Kurdistan Region of Iraq is one of these countries. So that the study was conducted in this region.

11 Step 5 Providing a transition between the general problem area and the literature review. Include references to previous or current research wherever it is useful, even in a sentence whose function is primarily to provide a transition. Key sentences of the literature review should also be explained briefly to give superficial information to the reader

12 Step 6 Providing a brief overview of key research projects in this area. Arrange your references and studies so that the reader is able to process them in a logical way. Here are three common options: chronological different approaches/theories/models general/ specific

13 Step 7 Describing a gap in the research
This is where you begin to introduce the purpose of your paper and the specific problem you will deal with, and in order to do this it is necessary to create a research space. Don’t be shy about pointing out the problems in previous research.

14 Step 8 Describing the paper itself At this stage you move to the present work. You normally use the Present Simple tense to describe the work itself and the Past Simple tense to talk about the aim of the work. It is also possible to state the aim in the Present Simple. The purpose of the current study, therefore, is to develop and test a psychometrically sound instrument that captures and describes relevant meeting characteristics and procedures within meetings. In accordance with the input–process output models of group performance (McGrath, 1984) and previous meeting research (e.g., Cohen et al., 2011), we developed the Zurich Meeting Questionnaire (ZMQ) which measures meeting attendees’ perceptions of meeting design characteristics and procedures within the meeting. The ZMQ can be completed by meeting attendees and also by meeting leaders as a form of self-evaluation.

15 Step 9 Giving details about the methodology reported in the paper.
To this end, we conducted three studies. In the first study, we developed and tested an item set that captured relevant design characteristics and meeting procedures. In the second study, we evaluated the replicability of the factor structure by using a new sample, examined the index validity, and provided initial evidence for criterion validity. The third study replicated evidence of criterion validity with an independent sample, and provided initial evidence of construct validity.

16 Step 10 Announces the findings.
Give information about your methodology or findings in the Introduction, but not to go into too much detail at this point. It was seen that eight dimensions of product quality explained 60% of the overall variance. Moreover, all of the eight dimensions have impacted the perceived quality of householders in the concerning gated community. Further details of the results have been declared in the findings section.

17 The model

18 Thank you for your attention. Any questions?

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