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Introduction to the workshops CASE STUDIES

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1 Introduction to the workshops CASE STUDIES

2 Workshops (after lunch)
3 working groups Distribution of participants according to the registrations ! Room 1st round 13:30-14:30 2nd round 14:30-15:30 Exploration Renewables Ballroom Energy Efficiency Harmony Energy Infrastructure

3 Workshops 3 case studies 3 working group (tables)
Chair (DG COMP) and rapporteur (DG REGIO) Rotation after 60 minutes, i.e. each participant can discuss 2 different case studies Discussion around 3 principal questions Reporting back to the plenary after 2 rounds

4 Workshops A. Renewables B. Energy Efficiency C. Energy Infrastructure
3 case studies A. Renewables B. Energy Efficiency C. Energy Infrastructure

5 A. Renewables Investment in an RES project of 20 MW (e.g. floating off-shore wind). Beneficiary (applicant): private undertaking (A); Total cost of the projects: EUR 150 million (investment costs EUR 100 million; operating costs EUR 50 million) Financing: ERDF: EUR 20 million; operating aid: EUR 40 million; public budget: EUR 10 million; own funds: EUR 80 million

6 B. Energy Efficiency - 1 The national authorities of an EU Member State are designing three investment programmes which will provide grants for energy efficiency measures in residential (single family houses and multi-apartment buildings), and public buildings. Measures aim at the deep renovation of the various buildings, defined as an integrated energy renovation project in a building leading to ≥50% savings in final energy consumption for heating, hot water and energy system operation. [refurbishment of the building envelope, replacement of windows and doors, lighting system revitalization/upgrade and HVAC refurbishment (boiler, thermostats, heat recovery, etc.)]

7 B. Energy Efficiency - 2 - The buildings potentially covered by each of the programs are the following: 1. The public buildings potentially included in the programme are all public owned buildings except culture heritage buildings. 2. The concept of single-family houses (SFH) covers buildings with at most two housing units in private ownership. 3. Multi-apartment buildings (MAB) are privately owned with three or more building units. - The sources of financing for the project will be the following: 1. ERDF grants 2. Potentially national top-ups in form of grants 3. Beneficiaries’ own funds.

8 C. Energy infrastructure
Company ‘C’ applies to Member State 'MS’ for financing for an up-grade of its medium-voltage electricity distribution system. The up-grade should allow the distribution of energy from RES. Planned total costs of the project: EUR 60m Planned financing: ERDF EUR 30m, MS EUR 20m, C EUR 10 million C charges transmission fees to other users when they use the grids. For the upgrade of the network it is expected that additional revenues can be generated.

9 Workshops 3 principal questions for the working groups:
1. Is it State aid? If not, justify? 2. Can it be classified under GBER (no notification)? Yes / No: Please, justify. 3. If you need to notify your measure/state aid scheme to the EC, what legal framework would you follow and what requirements/assessment are needed? 4. Other related questions/issues ?

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