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Welcome to Junyuan Secondary School

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1 Welcome to Junyuan Secondary School

2 Documents Submit on 1. Student Medical Form 22nd Dec 2. Student Data Form (pink) 22nd Dec 3. Letter of Offer for SBB - Subject Based Banding(eligible NA and NT students) 27th Dec 4. Welcome Letter - 5. Sec One Orientation 2018 Edusave Form 2nd Jan 6. Declaration of special educational needs 7. Dental Consent Form (online submission preferred) 15th Jan 8. Booklist

3 Introduction Principal – Mr Mohamed Razali Vice Principal – Mr Paul Ng Vice Principal – Mrs Selina Lum Year Head/Lower Sec – Mdm Teo Wil Ping Assistant Year Head/ Lower Sec – Mr Vaahid

4 Enquiry Counters Mother Tongue matters – Mdm Lee Fei Sien/ Miss Khadijah CCA/PE/Medical Conditions matters - Mr Ryan Tan/Mdm Gan Juok Sia Transfer & Appeal Enquiries (for Mass Appeal only) Mr Jeffrey Lian/ Mr Ling Weicong

5 Enquiry Counters SBB Enquiries – Mr Samuel Tan/
Mr Yong Chih Tuck FAS/ GIRO/ Financial Enquiries – General Office

6 Mass Appeal MOE will consider appeal cases for the following:
Serious medical conditions (e.g. chronic heart conditions, kidney problems) Dyslexia and Autistic Spectrum Disorder Physical Disabilities(e.g. using wheelchair, crutches)

7 SSC for secondary All students entering Secondary One in Jan 2018 will be issued with a new Secondary level School Smart Cards (SSC). Students can continue to use their Primary SSC cards to purchase for Secondary bus concession till April.

8 School Fees via GIRO There is NO NEED for reapplication when moving on to Secondary school if your child’s school fees had been paid via GIRO in primary school. A new application is required only if there is a change of GIRO account. (You may obtain the application form from the General Office)

9 FAS Application Parents/guardian will need to only submit
one application form for their school-going children to one of the schools. You may obtain the application form from General Office should you need to apply for FAS

10 Sale of books and school uniforms
Walk in sales (Books and uniforms) Dates: Dec 2017 Operating Hours: 9 am to 3 pm (Mon – Fri) Closed on Sat, Sun and Public Holidays. By Fax (Books only) Fax No: Parents can opt for self collection from bookshop

11 Sales for Textbooks Sales for uniforms

12 First Day of School Date: 2nd Jan 2018 (Tuesday)
Reporting Time: By 7.25 am at Parade Square What to wear: JYSS PE attire and sport shoes What to bring: Stationery, notebook, water bottle, extra T-shirt, money for recess and lunch

13 First Week of School 2 Jan (Tues) – 4 Jan(Thurs) 2018
Sec One Orientation Venue: Junyuan Secondary School Dismissal Time: 5 pm

14 Parents are invited to the talks by the following personnel:
Time Talk By Venue- School Hall 9am Parents’ Workshop by Guest Speaker Students will be dismissed at 1240 on Friday. 11am Principal/ Mr Razali 11.45am HOD Student Management/ Mrs Denise Tan 12.15am HOD PE & CCA / Mr Ryan Tan

15 First Week of School 5 Jan(Fri) 2018
There will be a Parenting Workshop for parents who are interested. Title: Succeeding Through A Smooth Transition into Secondary School Speaker: Dr Agnes Tan (Family Life Educator, Counsellor and Trainer) Time: 9 – 11 am Venue: School Hall  

16 Mother Tongue Matters Refer to Welcome letter for information on
Higher MTL 3rd Language Application Exemption from MTL Taking French & Asian Languages

17 Class Timetable Timetable will be posted on school website on 31 Dec 2017

18 Subject-based banding (By Mr Razali / Principal)

19 Eligibility Criteria for incoming Sec 1 students
For Ps' communicatrion with Staff (13 Nov) 13/11/2013 Eligibility Criteria for incoming Sec 1 students Sec 1 students posted to the N(A) and N(T) courses may be offered EL/Math/Science/MTL at a higher level, based on their PSLE subject grades. Students can choose to accept or reject the offer. PSLE Eligibility criteria for offering higher level subjects: Course PSLE Standard Grade PSLE Foundation Grade Option to offer subject at N(A) A*, A - Express N(T) Express/ N(A) B, C 1

20 Why OFFER Higher Level Subjects?
Every student is unique and possesses different strengths. Taking subjects at a higher academic level can help students nurture their strengths and give them more opportunities throughout their educational journey, so that they are more engaged in learning. Previously, students in N(A) and N(T) courses can take higher-level subjects starting from Secondary 3. With SBB, your child can start doing so from the start of Secondary 1, to build a stronger foundation in subjects that they are good at.

21 What are the possible benefits of taking higher-level subjects?
Some students (and parents) have shared that SBB allows the students to challenge themselves, and to have more options for Sec 3 subject combinations and post-secondary courses. A strong foundation in literacy, numeracy and reasoning, would ensure students are better prepared for various post- secondary progression pathways (e.g. to ITE and Polytechnic).

22 Support for Students Students are encouraged to continue with the higher level subject(s) until the end of Secondary 2, regardless of grades achieved, since it takes time for students to adjust to the higher level of rigour. The school will continue to provide the necessary scaffolding for SBB students to cope with the respective higher level subject(s). The teachers will also conduct bridging classes for students taking higher level subjects after the Sec 1 mid-year or year-end exams. However, each student should take no more than 3 higher level subjects so as to ensure that he/she can cope with the overall academic demands. Students are encouraged to continue with the higher level subject(s) until the end of Secondary 2, regardless of grades achieved, since it takes time for students to adjust to the higher level of rigour. Please note that in consultation with their subject teachers and a review of their examination results, students and their parents can make the final decision to continue or drop the subject, as long as they are aware of the possible impact on post-secondary options. Schools are encouraged to share with parents on the planned support structures for the students if they are not doing well.

23 BUT … You have to work much harder to do well in the higher-level subjects You may find yourself falling behind if you don’t put in the effort Not a guarantee for lateral transfer to a higher- level stream in Sec 2

24 What does the offer letter look like?
Eligible N(A) and N(T) students would receive letter of offer at the counter Please complete the form to indicate the subjects your child wishes to take (or not to take) at a higher level. Submit the completed form to the General Office by 27 Dec 2017.


26 Documents Submit on 1. Student Medical Form 22nd Dec 2. Student Data Form (pink) 22nd Dec 3. Letter of Offer for Subject Based Banding(eligible NA and NT students) 27th Dec 4. Welcome Letter - 5. Sec One Orientation 2018 Edusave Form 2nd Jan 6. Declaration of special educational needs 7. Dental Consent Form (online submission preferred) 15th Jan 8. Booklist

27 First Day of School Date: 2nd Jan 2018 (Tuesday)
Reporting Time: By 7.25 am at Parade Square What to wear: JYSS PE attire and sport shoes What to bring: Stationery, notebook, water bottle, extra T-shirt, money for recess and lunch

28 First Week of School 2 Jan (Tues) – 4 Jan(Thurs) 2018
Sec One Orientation Venue: Junyuan Secondary School Dismissal Time: 5 pm

29 First Week of School 5 Jan(Fri) 2018 Normal Lessons Resume
School ends at 1240 on Friday Parents are invited to the talks by the following personnel: Parenting Workshop: 9 – 11am Principal/Mr Razali: 11 a.m. HOD Student Management/ Mrs Denise Tan: a.m. HOD PE & CCA/Mr Ryan Tan: p.m. Venue: School Hall

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