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CHAPTER 14: Assessing Written Expression

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1 CHAPTER 14: Assessing Written Expression
Assessing Students with Special Needs Fifth Edition John J. Venn University of North Florida © 2014, 2007, 2004 by Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved

2 Overview Definition Curriculum-based procedures
Linking assessment with instruction Curriculum-based measurement Written Language Profile Norm-referenced testing

3 Overview Expression of ideas and feelings in written form
Many students with disabilities have difficulty with written expression A critical skill for academic success in school and vocational success in adult life

4 Why do we assess written language?
Overview Why do we assess written language? To identify present levels of performance To pinpoint priorities for writing skill development To plan intervention programs To monitor progress

5 Linking Assessment with Instruction
Brainstorming Interviews Journals Think-Alouds and Think-Afters Observations Informal tests

6 Curriculum-Based Measurement- Writing
CBM-W provides a standardized way to identify struggling writers Monitor progress when providing instructional intervention and support Effective indicators of performance and progress using Scores from brief writing, weekly probes

7 Curriculum-Based Measurement- Writing

8 Written Language Profile
An informal, curriculum-based assessment tool to Assess student abilities Guide instructional planning Measure student progress

9 Written Language Profile
Written Language Profile measures Fluency Average Thought Units Vocabulary Diversity Structure Organization

10 Written Language Profile
Collect three samples over a period of 2–3 weeks to get an accurate measure. Samples should be 75–100 words long; three 5 to 10 minute time samples work well. Young writers and less experienced writers need the longer time.

11 Norm-Referenced Assessment
Representative Norm-Referenced Writing Tests Test of Written Language, Fourth Edition Test of Written Expression Test of Early Written Language, Third Edition Written Expression Scale

12 Test of Written Language, Fourth Edition
Norm-referenced, individually-administered diagnostic test Measures spontaneous and contrived writing skills Takes 60 to 90 minutes to give to students ages 9-17 Helps pinpoint present levels of performance develop instruction, and plan intervention activities

13 Summary Assessment guides the process of helping students develop written expression skills In instructional settings teacher most often rely on curriculum-based procedures More formal tests provide standardized measures for identifying, diagnosing, and measuring written language skills

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