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Dennis and Jennifer Kirkey Mount Boucherie Secondary

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1 Dennis and Jennifer Kirkey Mount Boucherie Secondary
Sorting Out Critical Thinking Dennis and Jennifer Kirkey Mount Boucherie Secondary Kelowna, BC CTL TAB to switch applications Friday, October 25, 2013 Steveston London Secondary Richmond, BC

2 Inclusive Pedagogy and Assessment Practices in Pre-Calculus 11
Lorraine Baron


4 Trig Ratios Quizzing Activities
Teacher directs students to prepared materials: Quiz cards (teacher or student prepared) Work sheets Other… Partner A quizzes B. Partner B answers. Partner A praises or coaches Partners switch roles. Partners trade cards and thank each other. Repeat steps 2-5 a number of times. Green Box greencards

5 Quizzing Activities Great for quick recall topics
Great for questions that don’t require written work Great for visual type questions Nice review to start off a class (especially after a weekend) Can be used for kids to teach each other Kids do a lot of questions in a short period of time (and don’t realize they actually did work!) Green Box greencards

6 Translations Sorting/Matching Activities Sort the graphs into groups
how did you decide what groups to use? Sort the other cards into groups. how was this set of sorting criteria different? Group all the cards in a way that makes sense. What criteria did you use? Blue box green cards: graphs Blue box yellow cards: equations, vertex

7 Skittleanthium Interesting Activities Blue box green cards: graphs
Blue box yellow cards: equations, vertex

8 Skittleanthium Measure 75g of Skittleanthium
Determine the average mass of a single Skittleanthium atom Skittleanthium has the unique property that it decays according to a probabilistic model Only Skittlenthium exhibiting an "s" will decay If an "s" is exhibited the probability it will actually decay is only 1 in 3! Blue box green cards: graphs Blue box yellow cards: equations, vertex

9 Skittleanthium Observe and record the decay process after various "shakes" (assume 1 Shake = 1 min) Graph the decay of Skittleanthium: Mass vs Time Determine an equation that models the decay of Skittlanthium 𝐴(𝑡)= 𝐴 0 (?) 𝑡 Determine a Half-Life decay equation, and calculate the half life of Skittleanthium 𝐴(𝑡)= 𝐴 0 ( 1 2 ) 𝑡 ℎ Blue box green cards: graphs Blue box yellow cards: equations, vertex

10 THANK YOU! Jennifer Kirkey
Dennis Kirkey

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