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Citizen Engagement in Lexington, Virginia

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1 Citizen Engagement in Lexington, Virginia
Noah A. Simon, City Manager

2 Why engage? To educate the public and tell your story
To encourage feedback To achieve transparency To maintain quality customer service

3 How to engage through education:
With accessible and easy-to-read reports. Popular Annual Financial Report Annual Report Budget Visualization Tool Weekly Report from the City Manager

4 Engage with the community through the community:
Virginia Military Institute and Washington & Lee University Strategic Plan citizen involvement Comprehensive Plan workshop and stakeholder meetings Meet the City Manager open forums Community events

5 Reaching out to citizens
How? Why? Go where the people already are Social media Community events Utilize technology Community surveys Day-to-day communication Staff = ambassadors to the city First impressions are everything. Be proactive rather than reactive: foresee questions and problems that need answers. Increase and diversify the people who are engaged. Empower your citizens.

6 City of Fairfax – Jon Stehle
Fairfax City Minute Citizen Centric Report

7 Citizen-Centric Reporting (CCR) – since 1997!
Fostering innovative means of communication between governments and their citizenry “A government’s obligation to the people for its actions and use of resources” - AGA’s definition of accountability “Giving the citizens numbers they can understand.” -Governing Making annual financial reports available to the public -- is a first step. The CCR provides a next logical step to informing our citizens. Association of Government Accountants (AGA)

8 Government Finance Case Challenge
AGA’s Role: Coordinate and fund the program AGA identifies a “target government entity” Conduct outreach to our academic members as well as other colleges and universities College/University Role: Form a 3-student team (plus a Faculty advisor) to provide value to a government entity; submit an application Analyze data within a two week period, for a specified U.S. state, city or county government and develop a Citizen-Centric Report (CCR). Students learn about government services, data availability, and what’s important to communicate NOTE … The next couple of slides identify what the last winning team developed in the Government case challenge Useful to show students what the “deliverable product is”

9 Your Questions?

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