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Research Studio Program

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1 Research Studio Program
Jane EB Reusch, MD - Director Allan Prochaska, MD - Associate Director Dan Holtrop, MA - Program Manager

2 CCTSI Organizational Structure
Not sure where the Studio fits I know it is not in the CD pillar but not too sure I thought I could just hide this slide Research Studio Reusch

3 Research Studio Program
To provide a moderated 90-minute consultation from a multidisciplinary team of scientists providing structured, project-specific feedback for CCTSI researchers. Consultations designed to accomplish one or more of the following: Improve research focus and plans Improve grant writing and funding success Improve publication success Identify collaborative resources to accelerate research success

4 Specific Aims Aim 1. Studio 2.0 Process: Continuous improvement process Expanded sessions: Select 6 dates across the 2018 calendar year (2-4 per session) plus the KL2 scholar studios Advertising: One CCTSI solicitation -> 3-5 consults (still more bandwidth) Scaling Up: We now have a broader base of experts and biostatisticians (easing the scheduling burden) Gap: Need more lead moderators Need for mentorship: The majority of the Studio sessions to date still reflect lack of rigorous mentorship - we are going to adjust our evaluation form to address this specifically

5 Specific Aims 2018-2023 Aim 2. Studio 2.0 New Initiatives
Work with Executive Committee to determine how the Studio program can best support initiatives in Team Science Work with KL2 program (now with new Scholars) to determine how they will benefit from a Studio

6 Accomplishments Metrics
8 Studios conducted May - December Studios conducted in early Studios cancelled in late 2018 – a new problem! (3 by participants and 1 by expert panelist conflicts) = 15 sessions organized / 11 conducted 2018. Continued very high satisfaction scores from participants (both the participant and the consultants).   33 expert panelists participated in   56 total Research Studios have been conducted since program inception in late 2013: 3 “pilot” sessions + 53 full sessions.

7 Accomplishments Process:
Advertisements promoting predetermined "Research Studio Days" were distributed through CCTSI and Academic Announcement lists. Refinement of Studio 2.0 concept of holding 2 to 4 separate Studio sessions on a single day 6 times per year with Drs. Reusch and Prochaska as co-moderators and with additional expert consultants participating in one or more panels. Next Studio 2.0 sessions are planned for February and April 2019, which will include 2 to 4 individual Studios on each day. In addition, “one-off” sessions continue to be available.

8 New Governance Structure
Research Studio Program CCTSI Research Resources Center Director Jane Reusch Assoc. Director Allan Prochazka Program Manager Dan Holtrop Jane EB Reusch, MD – Director (since 2013) Allan Prochaska, MD - Associate Director Dan Holtrop, MA - Program Manager (since 2014) CTSA Administrative support (website, logistics, financial management)

9 Response to EAC Critiques
“The CCTSI is commended for working on this complex problem. The goal of engaging more senior leaders is critical and the observation that the need for many of the consultations comes from poor mentoring raises important issues that are common across academic institutions. It would be good to see CCTSI develop a comprehensive strategy to deal with young faculty who have poor mentoring, as “one shot efforts” in a single session are unlikely to make a major difference.” Have had conversations regarding KL2 Scholars Program – will continue and look for ways to implement Research Studio Program for KL2 Scholars in 2019. We are considering a more comprehensive evaluation of program outcomes and barriers and incentives to participation.

10 Questions for EAC Are there specific metrics that should be included or considered essential to a five year evaluation of the Research Studio program? What ideas or best practices should be considered for mitigating our recent problem with cancelations from participants (and/or expert panelists)? What are the realistic expectations for how the CCTSI can work with the SOM to improve mentoring best practices, in addition to the CO-Mentor program. Do you have ideas of how Studios could help this process?

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