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How are you going to start revising?

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Presentation on theme: "How are you going to start revising?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How are you going to start revising?

2 The three ‘hows’ of independent work
Could complete this table: How am I going to revise? How long am I going to revise for? How will I know that I have made progress? How are you going to test yourself? Job here for mum or dad? How am I going to revise? How long am I going to revise for? How will I know that I have made progress?

3 Practice activities… Use a revision wall to display your learning
Make flashcards Mind maps/diagrams Remaking class notes One to one conversation with teacher Use a revision guide Use resources on the VLE Sharepoint Read through class notes Work with a friend – set each other quizzes Create own assessment questions

4 Active recall is vital It is effective It saves time
It is difficult and can be mentally uncomfortable Collect topics for the assessment – make a list of them Organise the notes - one side of A4? Could use mind maps Think of question – write it in the middle of the paper – and plan answer. Imagine you are a teacher and then explain to the ‘class’ – role for you here? Write a response to a question

5 Set a personal best Comfort zone Learning zone Panic zone!

6 Set a personal best They are personal Need to be specific
Need the right level of challenge

7 Share revision and exam experiences that you have had and what you learned from them

8 Are there videos on ClickView/ BBC that could help with revision?
Slavery clip

9 Habitualise Where is the revision taking place? 3Rs- Reminder pm Routine – one hour in a quiet place, finishing at 5.00 pm 20 mins of high intensity work – no distractions, no phone 20 minutes off. Listening to music etc. 20 minutes again – no distractions Reward – cake / tea and a biscuit etc.

10 Rewards for effort Can you create a reward system? 1 hour 2 hours
15 mins. on tablet 30 mins. on tablet Choose dinner tonight Choose a film to watch Stay up later on Saturday

11 Organisation Is the book a mass of loose paper?
Can you help to make the book ‘look good’? Ring binder for revision notes Sections for different subjects Plastic wallets/ highlighters etc.

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