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Warm-Up: 9/14/17 In a developed paragraph of at least FIVE complete sentences, students need to write and answer the following question:

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1 Warm-Up: 9/14/17 In a developed paragraph of at least FIVE complete sentences, students need to write and answer the following question:

2 Announcements Ch. 4 Reading Quiz is this Friday in class- it will be 10 to 15 M/C questions. School Pictures for grades 9-11 have been rescheduled for October 16th, 2017. We will be on the Activity Bell Schedule tomorrow.

3 Friday Activity Bell Schedule
Period 1 7:20 AM 8:08 AM 48 min Period 2 8:12 AM 9:00 AM Period 3 9:04 AM 9:52 AM Period 4 9:56 AM 10:44 AM Period 5 10:48 AM 12:22 PM 94 min A Lunch 11:14 AM 30 min B Lunch 11:18 AM 11:48 AM C Lunch 11:52 AM Period 6 12:26 PM 1:15 PM 49 min Period 7 1:18 PM 2:05 PM 47 min Activity Period 2:35 PM

4 Fall Semester Outside Project
Updated Course Calendars are online.* 9/15- Project Check-In #1 (Projects/Group Sign-Up) 9/27- Project Check-In #2 (Rough Draft of Bibliography) 10/5- Project Check-In #3 (Rough Draft of Statement of Learning) 10/12- Project is DUE by the BEGINNING of class. No Exceptions.

5 4.1 The English Empire to 1763 Slavery and Empire Atlantic Trade
A series of trade routes crisscrossed the Atlantic. Colonial merchants profited from the slave trade. Slavery became connected with the color black, and liberty with the color white. Africa and the Slave Trade With the exception of the king of Benin, most African rulers took part in the slave trade. The slave trade was concentrated in western Africa, greatly disrupting its society and economy. The Middle Passage The Middle Passage was the voyage across the Atlantic for slaves. Slaves were crammed aboard ships for maximum profit. Slave traders took the vast majority of slaves to Brazil and to the West Indies, where death rates were high. Less than 5 percent of African slaves went to what became the United States, but the slave population there increased steadily through natural reproduction.

6 Chesapeake Slavery The Rice Kingdom
Three distinct slave systems were well entrenched in Britain's mainland colonies: Tobacco-based plantation slavery in the Chesapeake Rice-based plantation slavery in South Carolina and Georgia Non plantation societies of New England and the Middle Colonies Slavery transformed Chesapeake society into an elaborate hierarchy of degrees of freedom: Large planters Yeomen farmers Indentured servants and tenant farmers Slaves With the consolidation of a slave society, planters enacted laws to protect their power over the slaves. The Rice Kingdom South Carolinian and Georgian slavery rested on rice. Rice and indigo required large-scale cultivation (which was done by slaves). Under the task system, individual slaves did daily jobs, the completion of which allowed time for leisure or cultivation of their own crops. By 1770, the number of South Carolina slaves had reached 100,000-well over half the colony's population.

7 The Georgia Experiment
Georgia was established by a group of philanthropists led by James Oglethorpe in 1733. Oglethorpe had banned liquor and slaves, but the settlers demanded their right of self-government and repealed the bans by the early 1750s. Slavery in the North Since the economics of New England and the Middle Colonies were based on small farms, slavery was far less important. Given that slaves were few and posed no threat to the white majority, laws were less harsh than in the South. Slaves did represent a sizable percentage of urban laborers, particularly in New York and in Philadelphia.

8 Slave Cultures and Slave Resistance
Becoming African-American The common link among Africans in America was not kinship, language, or even "race," but slavery itself. For most of the eighteenth century, the majority of American slaves were African by birth. African-American Cultures In the Chesapeake, slaves learned English, participated in the Great Awakening, and were exposed to white culture. In South Carolina and Georgia, two very different black societies emerged: Communities on rice plantations retained significant African cultural elements (e.g., housing styles, child naming practices, language). Slaves in the cities of Charleston and Savannah assimilated more quickly into Euro-American culture. In the northern colonies, a distinctive African-American culture developed more slowly, and African-Americans enjoyed more access to the mainstream of life.

9 Resistance to Slavery A common thread among African-Americans was the desire for freedom. Many plantation slaves in South Carolina and Georgia ran away to Florida or to cities. The first eighteenth-century slave uprising occurred in New York City in 1712. The Stono Rebellion of 1739 in South Carolina led to the tightening of the slave code. A panic in 1741 swept New York City after a series of fires broke out that were rumored to have been part of a slave conspiracy to attack whites.

10 An Empire of Freedom British Patriotism The British Constitution
Despite the centrality of slavery to its empire, eighteenth-century Great Britain prided itself on being the world's most advanced and freest nation. Most Britons shared a common law, a common language, a common devotion to Protestantism, and a common enemy in France. Britons believed that wealth, religion, and freedom went together. The British Constitution Central to this sense of British identity was the concept of liberty. Britons believed that no man was above the law, not even the king. The idea of liberty became increasingly identified with a general right to resist arbitrary government.

11 Republican Liberty Liberal Freedom
Republicanism celebrated active participation in public life by economically independent citizens. Republicanism held virtue-meaning a willingness to subordinate self-interest to the public good-to be crucial in public life. Republicanism in Britain was associated with the Country Party, which criticized Britain's loss of virtue. Liberal Freedom Liberalism was strongly influenced by the philosopher John Locke. Lockean ideas included individual rights, the consent of the governed, and the right of rebellion against unjust or oppressive government. Locke's ideas excluded many from freedom's full benefits in the eighteenth century, but they opened the door for many to challenge the limitations on their own freedom later. Republicanism and liberalism eventually reinforced each other.

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