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What Happened to the Roman Empire?

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Presentation on theme: "What Happened to the Roman Empire?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What Happened to the Roman Empire?

2 Internal / External Problems
Political instability Econ decline Social unrest External Barbarians invaded 410- Visigoths 476- Vandals

3 Political Instability
180 AD- 284 AD: Third Century Loss of control Difficult to rule a large Empire Political in-fighting/ assassinations Decreasing military strength- discipline, mercenaries Decreasing sense of public spirit

4 Economic Decline Trade and ag declining…
Unemployment rising Taxes increasing to pay cost of govt. and army Inflation increasing– money depreciated– hurts the poor

5 Social Unrest Wealthy in villas Small middle class in provinces
95% below poverty line- without land or jobs Plague and poverty decrease populations Decline in morale and values

6 Diocletian Tried to restore order
Divided the Empire to make admin easy

7 Constantine Reunited the Empire Enlarged the army
Increased civil service Moved the capital to Byzantium

8 External Problems German/ Hun invasions Provinces are overrun
Loss of territory

9 Society/ Politics 410 AD– Alaric and the Visigoths burned and plundered Rome Capital moved to Milan! 476 AD– Vandal tribes ruled by Odovacer captured Rome Emperor deposed Destruction

10 Results End of a strong, central gov’t
Roman power in the West disappeared Loss of territory No dominant power Political vacuum-- other civs begin to develop Small warring kingdoms, feudalism

11 Dark Ages Decline of the Roman civilization
Depopulation Decline of agriculture and trade Decline of culture… Conquered by Charlemagne ~800 Byzantium preserved Roman Civilization

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