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Types of Waves.

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Presentation on theme: "Types of Waves."— Presentation transcript:

1 Types of Waves

2 What is a wave? What does a wave carry?
A wave is a disturbance that carries energy through matter (or a medium)!

3 What is a wave? cont.

4 Waves transfer energy We know waves carry energy because they can do work. FOR EXAMPLE…

5 Example 1 of waves doing work…
Water waves can do work on a leaf or a boat.

6 Example 2 of waves doing work…
Sound waves can do work on your eardrums

7 We can even see the work done by sound waves…

8 Example 3 of waves doing work..
Tsunamis carry enough energy to cause damage to costal towns.


10 Examples…. What is a Wave? Cont. Most waves travel through a medium.
MEDIUM: a physical environment in which phenomena occur. What is it called when there is no medium? Vacuum! MECHANICAL WAVE: a wave that requires a medium through which to travel Examples….

11 Examples of mechanical waves…
Water waves Sound waves Seismic waves

12 Two types of Mechanical Waves (waves that require a medium)
1.Longitudinal Wave 2. Transverse Wave

13 Mechanical Waves Sound waves are Longitudinal Waves (picture A)

14 Types of Mechanical Waves Cont.
Ocean waves and seismic waves are Transverse Waves (picture B)


16 The other kind of waves:
Electromagnetic waves do not require a medium. ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE: A wave that has electric and magnetic fields and can travel through a vacuum. Examples…

17 Examples of electromagnetic waves…
visible light waves radio waves

18 Electromagnetic Waves

19 How are waves generated?
Most waves are caused by vibrating objects. The sound waves produced by a singer are caused by vibrating vocal cords. Electromagnetic waves may be caused by vibrating charged particles. For mechanical waves, the particles in the medium through which the wave passes vibrate, too.

20 Number sheet of paper 1-5

21 #1 What are the two types of mechanical waves?

22 #2 How are transverse waves and longitudinal waves the same?

23 #3 How are transverse waves and longitudinal waves different?

24 #4 What do mechanical waves have to have to happen?

25 #5 What does a wave carry?

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