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Game Rules Pick a category and choose a question

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Presentation on theme: "Game Rules Pick a category and choose a question"— Presentation transcript:

1 Game Rules Pick a category and choose a question
Each question is worth money There will be one Daily Double Click on the dollar amount for a question Click on the bottom left for the answer. Learn a few things, and have fun!!

2 This is Jeopardy With your Host… Mrs. Dean

3 Jeopardy $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 What is Energy? Forms of Energy
Energy Transform Formulas ? Random $100 $200 $300 $400 $500

4 Daily Double Question

5 Cat 1 $100, Question The transfer of energy Click for Answer

6 Cat 1 $100, Answer What is work Return to Board

7 Cat 1 $200, Question The ability to do work Click for Answer

8 Cat 1 $200, Answer What is Kinetic Energy Return to Board

9 Cat 1 $300, Question Stored Energy. Click for Answer

10 What is potential Energy
Cat 1 $300, Answer What is potential Energy Return to Board

11 Potential energy related to an objects height
Cat 1 $400, Question Potential energy related to an objects height Click for Answer

12 What is the Gravitational Potential Energy
Cat 1 $400, Answer What is the Gravitational Potential Energy Return to Board

13 Elastic Potential Energy
Cat 1 $500, Answer Elastic Potential Energy Return to Board

14 Cat 2 $100, Question The form of energy associated with the position and motion of an object Click for Answer

15 What is Mechanical Energy
Cat 2 $100, Answer What is Mechanical Energy Return to Board

16 Total potential and kinetic Energy of the particles of an object
Cat 2 $200, Question Total potential and kinetic Energy of the particles of an object Click for a hint Click for Answer

17 Cat 2 $200, Answer Thermal Energy Return to Board

18 The energy of electric charge
Cat 2 $300, Question The energy of electric charge Click for Answer

19 What is electrical energy
Cat 2 $300, Answer What is electrical energy Return to Board

20 Cat 2 $400, Question Potential energy stored in chemical bonds that holds chemical compounds together Click for Answer

21 What is chemical energy
Cat 2 $400, Answer What is chemical energy Return to Board

22 Energy stored on the nucleus of the atom
Cat 2 $500, Question Energy stored on the nucleus of the atom Click for hint

23 Cat 2 $500, Answer Nuclear Energy Click for Answer

24 A change from one form of energy to another
Cat 3 $100, Question A change from one form of energy to another Click for a hint Click for answer

25 What is Energy Transformation
Cat 3 $100, Answer What is Energy Transformation Return to Board

26 Cat 3 $200, Question Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be changed from one form to another Click for Answer

27 What is Law of Conservation of Energy
Cat 3 $200, Answer What is Law of Conservation of Energy Return to Board

28 Anything that has mass and takes up space
Cat 3 $300, Question Anything that has mass and takes up space Click for Answer

29 Cat 3 $300, Answer Matter Return to Board

30 Most forms of energy can be transformed into other…
Cat 3 $400, Question Most forms of energy can be transformed into other… Click for Answer

31 Cat 3 $400, Answer What is other forms Return to Board

32 Give an example of a common energy transformations
Cat 3 $500, Question Give an example of a common energy transformations Click for Answer

33 What is something that makes sense
Cat 3 $500, Answer What is something that makes sense Return to Board

34 Cat 4 $100, Question ½ x m x velocity2 Click for Answer

35 What is the formula for Kinetic energy
Cat 4 $100, Answer What is the formula for Kinetic energy Return to Board

36 Weight x Height (or distance)
Cat 4 $200, Question Weight x Height (or distance) OR Mass x Gravity X Height Click for Answer

37 What is the formula for Gravitational Potential Energy
Cat 4 $200, Answer What is the formula for Gravitational Potential Energy Return to Board

38 Cat 4 $300, Question Work/time Click for Answer

39 What is the formula for Power
Cat 4 $300, Answer What is the formula for Power Return to Board

40 Cat 4 $400, Question If the Kinetic Energy of a falling apple is 5.2 j ad its potential energy is 3.5j What is its mechanical energy? Click for Answer

41 Mechanical energy is 8.7j the sum of its potential and kinetic energy
Cat 4 $400, Answer Mechanical energy is 8.7j the sum of its potential and kinetic energy Return to Board

42 Potential +Kinetic energy equals
Cat 4 $500, Question Potential +Kinetic energy equals Click for Answer

43 Cat 4 $500, Answer Mechanical Energy Return to Board

44 Cat 5 $100, Question Travels on waves These waves have some electrical properties and magnetic properties Click for Answer

45 What is electromagnetic energy
Cat 5 $100, Answer What is electromagnetic energy Return to Board

46 The mechanical energy to strike a match is transferred to
Cat 5 $200, Question The mechanical energy to strike a match is transferred to Click for Answer

47 Cat 5 $200, Answer What is thermal energy Return to Board

48 The thermal energy causes the particles in the match to release
Cat 5 $300, Question The thermal energy causes the particles in the match to release Click for Answer

49 Stored chemical energy
Cat 5 $300, Answer What is Stored chemical energy Return to Board

50 The chemical energy in a match is transformed to
Cat 5 $400, Question The chemical energy in a match is transformed to Click for Answer

51 Thermal Energy and electromagnetic energy
Cat 5 $400, Answer Thermal Energy and electromagnetic energy Return to Board

52 What do you need to calculate the Kinetic Energy of a ball
Cat 5 $500, Question What do you need to calculate the Kinetic Energy of a ball Click for Answer

53 Cat 5 $500, Answer KE= ½ x m x velocity2 Return to Board

54 Describe the energy transfer when you bounce a ball
Cat 6 $100, Question Describe the energy transfer when you bounce a ball Click for Answer

55 As the ball falls potential energy is transformed to kinetic energy .
Cat 6 $100, Answer As the ball falls potential energy is transformed to kinetic energy . While the ball is in contact with the floor kinetic energy is transferred to elastic potential energy , which is transferred back to kinetic energy. As the ball travels upward kinetic energy is transformed to potential energy Return to Board

56 State the law of conservation in your own words
Cat 6 $200, Question State the law of conservation in your own words Click for Answer

57 Cat 6 $200, Answer ? Return to Board

58 Cat 6 $300, Question Thermal energy is produced when a person slides across the floor. Where does it come from Click for Answer

59 Cat 6 $300, Answer Some of the personspotential energy is transferred to thermal energy through friction Return to Board

60 Cat 6 $400, Question A person weighing 300 Newtons rides an escalator upward at a speed of 4 m/s for 3 seconds. How much does this person’s GPE finish with? Click for Answer

61 What is energy and matter
Cat 6 $400, Answer What is energy and matter Return to Board

62 Cat 6 $500, Question Find the work of a machine that is pulled with a force of 20 N over a 10 m distance. Click for Answer

63 Cat 6 $500, Answer What is 200 J Return to Board

64 Thanks for Playing!

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