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Welcome back to Software Development!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome back to Software Development!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome back to Software Development!

2 Review – Class Members Do review slides
Finish MenuOption method project Instances and static Create UserInput class

3 Review – Class Members Methods – class algorithms
The actual code that does the work – the ‘algorithm’ Fields – class variables any method of the class can use The data or information the class uses to do its job Properties – “smart fields” Methods that look like fields…you can use them almost like variables They “protect” the class variables (fields)

4 Creating a class

5 Creating a class class nameOfClass {
members of the class (fields, properties, methods) }

6 Creating a class class nameOfClass {
members of the class (fields, properties, methods) }

7 Creating a class…adding fields
class MyClass { private int intField; private string strField; public int MyMethod(string strInputVariable) }

8 Creating a class…adding fields
class MyClass { private int intField; private string strField; public int MyMethod(string strInputVariable) }

9 Creating a class…adding fields
class MyClass { private int intField; private string strField; public int MyMethod(string strInputVariable) }

10 Creating a class…adding fields
class MyClass { private int intField; private string strField; public int MyMethod(string strInputVariable) }

11 Properties

12 Properties Smart fields

13 Properties Smart fields Always is paired with a field

14 Properties Smart fields Always is paired with a field
Written like a method

15 Properties Smart fields Always is paired with a field
Written like a method Used like a variable

16 Properties

17 Properties Field:

18 Properties Field: Private

19 Properties Field: Private
Name starts with lower case (it is a variable)

20 Properties Field: Property: Private
Name starts with lower case (it is a variable) Property:

21 Properties Field: Property: Private
Name starts with lower case (it is a variable) Property: Public

22 Properties Field: Property: Private
Name starts with lower case (it is a variable) Property: Public Name is same as field except upper case (it is like a method)

23 Properties Field: Property: Private
Name starts with lower case (it is a variable) Property: Public Name is same as field except upper case (it is like a method) Two parts:

24 Properties Field: Property: Private
Name starts with lower case (it is a variable) Property: Public Name is same as field except upper case (it is like a method) Two parts: get

25 Properties Field: Property: Private
Name starts with lower case (it is a variable) Property: Public Name is same as field except upper case (it is like a method) Two parts: get … “get” or read the field’s value

26 Properties Field: Property: Private
Name starts with lower case (it is a variable) Property: Public Name is same as field except upper case (it is like a method) Two parts: get … “get” or read the field’s value set

27 Properties Field: Property: Private
Name starts with lower case (it is a variable) Property: Public Name is same as field except upper case (it is like a method) Two parts: get … “get” or read the field’s value set … “set” or assign the field’s value

28 Creating a class… adding properties

29 Creating a class… adding properties
class MyClass { } private int myField; public int MyField get return myField; } set myField = value;

30 Creating a class… adding properties
class MyClass { private int myField; } public int MyField get return myField; } set myField = value;

31 Creating a class… adding properties
class MyClass { private int myField; public int MyField } get } { return myField; } set myField = value;

32 Creating a class… adding properties
class MyClass { private int myField; public int MyField get } return myField; } } } set myField = value; }

33 Creating a class… adding properties
class MyClass { private int myField; public int MyField get return myField; } } set } { myField = value;

34 Creating a class… adding properties
class MyClass { private int myField; public int MyField get return myField; } set } myField = value;

35 Creating a class… adding properties
class MyClass { private int myField; public int MyField get return myField; } set myField = value;

36 Using Properties

37 Using Properties int fieldValue; // a local variable to play with

38 Using Properties int fieldValue; // a local variable to play with
MyClass obj = new MyClass(); // create an instance of MyClass

39 Using Properties int fieldValue; // a local variable to play with
MyClass obj = new MyClass(); // create an instance of MyClass

40 Using Properties int fieldValue; // a local variable to play with
MyClass obj = new MyClass(); // create an instance of MyClass obj.MyField = 17; // assign a value to the property (set)

41 Using Properties int fieldValue; // a local variable to play with
MyClass obj = new MyClass(); // create an instance of MyClass obj.MyField = 17; // assign a value to the property (set)

42 Using Properties int fieldValue; // a local variable to play with
MyClass obj = new MyClass(); // create an instance of MyClass obj.MyField = 17; // assign a value to the property (set) fieldValue = obj.MyField; // use the property’s value (get)

43 Your task

44 Your task Using your GetUserInput class from last week (PigLatinXlate project)

45 Your task Using your GetUserInput class from last week (PigLatinXlate project) Add two fields and associated properties:

46 Your task Using your GetUserInput class from last week (PigLatinXlate project) Add two fields and associated properties: menuDisplayMsg (string)

47 Your task Using your GetUserInput class from last week (PigLatinXlate project) Add two fields and associated properties: menuDisplayMsg (string) numMenuOptions (int)

48 Your task Using your GetUserInput class from last week (PigLatinXlate project) Add two fields and associated properties: menuDisplayMsg (string) numMenuOptions (int) Do not make the properties static

49 Your task Using your GetUserInput class from last week (PigLatinXlate project) Add two fields and associated properties: menuDisplayMsg (string) numMenuOptions (int) Do not make the properties static Change your GetMenuSelection method:

50 Your task Using your GetUserInput class from last week (PigLatinXlate project) Add two fields and associated properties: menuDisplayMsg (string) numMenuOptions (int) Do not make the properties static Change your GetMenuSelection method: Use these fields instead of input variables

51 Your task Using your GetUserInput class from last week (PigLatinXlate project) Add two fields and associated properties: menuDisplayMsg (string) numMenuOptions (int) Do not make the properties static Change your GetMenuSelection method: Use these fields instead of input variables Change your Main method:

52 Your task Using your GetUserInput class from last week (PigLatinXlate project) Add two fields and associated properties: menuDisplayMsg (string) numMenuOptions (int) Do not make the properties static Change your GetMenuSelection method: Use these fields instead of input variables Change your Main method: Use the new properties and GetMenuSelection method

53 Follow-on Task Change the NumMenuOptions property to be read-only:
Remove its set method Change the MenuDisplayMsg property: Calculate the number of menu options by counting the “)” characters in the display message string. Set the numMenuOptions field with that number.

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