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How do we know what we know?

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Presentation on theme: "How do we know what we know?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How do we know what we know?

2 How do we know? How do people know whether spanking a child is okay to do? How do people know whether something they read online is true? Did the FBI raid a retirement home to break up an elderly fight club? Did Texas find 58,000 cases of voter fraud by non-citizens? Nonpartisan websites to check

3 Ways of knowing Authority Intuition Rationalism Empiricism Tenacity
Scientific method

4 Try it Come up with examples of different types of explanations for
Cats are better pets than dogs. Psychology majors have a better understanding of people than do chemistry majors.

5 Example: Bystander intervention
Kitty Genovese, 28 year old bar manager, stabbed to death in Kew Gardens, NY in 1964 News article: 38 people heard her calls and no one called for police (turns out were some later discovered) Why didn’t people help? Bystander apathy Diffusion of responsibility

6 Differences between common sense and scientific explanations
1. Common sense is often contradictory 2. They both start with observations, but differ in what evidence is required 3. Science is self-correcting 4. Science is objective 5. Science can only “know” things that are testable

7 Differences between common sense and scientific explanations
1. Common sense is often contradictory 2. They both start with observations, but differ in what evidence is required 3. Science is self-correcting 4. Science is objective 5. Science can only “know” things that are testable Confirmation bias

8 Scientific explanations
Data Theory Deduction Induction

9 Are there any problems with these scientific explanations?
Do sheet

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