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Holocaust Introduction—Key Concepts

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1 Holocaust Introduction—Key Concepts

2 Directions: Based on any previous knowledge you may have, answer the following questions “true” or “false.” Then do the follow-up exercise on the slide that follows each question using a search engine such as Google or Bing to research answers.

3 True or False? Only German Jewish citizens were victims of the Holocaust. Answer:

4 Answer: False 1. Other victims of The Holocaust included ____________, ______________, and _________________.

5 True or False? Genocide (the deliberate murder of a whole group or race of people) doesn’t happen anymore. Answer:

6 Answer: False Genocides are taking place right now in the following countries. Country:___________ Estimated number of people killed: _____________

7 True or False? The Nazis invented eugenics, the theory that the human race could be improved by only allowing people considered “superior” to exist and to have children. Answer:

8 Answer: False The theory of eugenics was originally developed by _____________ in __________. Eugenics tried to breed out “undesirable” traits in people such as ____________, _____________, and ___________. Eugenics policies led to the involuntary sterilization of as many as __________people in the U.S.

9 True or False? The Holocaust was just one example of the oppression of Jewish citizens. Answer:

10 Answer: True rsecution/ Jews in Europe had been oppressed and massacred for centuries before the Holocaust. Infamous incidents include the following: Incident_____________________________ Country _______ Year_______

11 True or False? Some Jews fought back against the Holocaust. Answer:

12 Answer: True There were many Jewish resistance movements. One famous example is ________________________________________________ __________________________.

13 True or False? The Holocaust could never happen again.

14 Answer: ?????? Use Google or Bing to research these terms, and provide a link to a modern day news article for each one. Anti-Semitism Link: White Supremacy

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