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1 Empires

2 Scramble for Africa In 1884, representatives of the United States, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, the Ottoman Empire, Portugal, Russia, Spain, and Sweden-Norway met in Berlin, Germany, to divide Africa among themselves. They wanted to gain control of the continent’s natural resources, which included gold, diamonds, and rubber. Who was missing from this conference? Slavery in the US ended in What does this map and their involvement in the division of Africa say about them?

3 Did ethnocentrism play a role in imperialism?

4 The Darwin Awards Charles Darwin – “Survival of the Fittest”
Evolved to Social Darwinism – Some groups of people are inherently better than others

5 Darwin’s Ideas Gone Wrong
The Eugenics Movement was popular in both Canada and the United States at the turn of the last century. Alberta Connection: Eugenics Laws weren’t repealed in Alberta until 1972


7 Who’s Who Carolus Linnaeus – four sub-races of humans
Thomas Malthus – famine and population control Francis Galton - father of Eugenics

8 White Superiority Racism and the idea that the Europeans were superior provided a justification for imperialism Other races were considered inferior and needed “guidance” from Europeans In the United States, there was the idea that it was God’s plan to move west and dominate the peoples there

9 Writings Read, in your groups, the articles given to you. What do they tell you about the ideas of racial superiority? John Sullivan, Manifest Destiny Rudyard Kipling, White Man’s Burden

10 Assignment As a group, discuss the following question and create a Mind Map/Word Web to hand in at the end of class. “What role did ethnocentrism play in imperialism?”

11 How to create a Mind Map

12 How to create a Mind Map

13 How to create a Mind Map

14 Assignment “What role did ethnocentrism play in imperialism?”

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