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Your half-table group will be given a bag of four puzzle pieces.

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Presentation on theme: "Your half-table group will be given a bag of four puzzle pieces."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your half-table group will be given a bag of four puzzle pieces.
Puzzle metaphor Your half-table group will be given a bag of four puzzle pieces. Fit the pieces together in the way that makes the most sense.

2 Puzzle metaphor In what ways is completing this puzzle similar to developing a scientific explanation?

3 Puzzle metaphor The puzzle pieces represent the empirical evidence, the cumulative body of observations of a natural phenomenon. Scientists try to find a way to explain the phenomenon in such a way that all of the evidence fits together logically, just as you found a way to fit the puzzle pieces together.

4 Puzzle metaphor When the evidence fits together nicely, we become CONFIDENT in our explanation.

5 Puzzle metaphor Sometimes, though, a breakthrough produces NEW INFORMATION that doesn’t fit into our current explanation. You will be given a new puzzle piece that represents new information that has been discovered. Fit the pieces (now 5) together in the way that makes the most sense.

6 Puzzle metaphor The first time you solved the puzzle, was it clear that a piece of information was missing? How does this relate to science?

7 Puzzle metaphor Scientists can only work with the information available to them at the time. SCIENTIFIC EXPLANATIONS are our best attempt at an answer given what we know, but we must ALWAYS BE WILLING TO ACCEPT NEW EVIDENCE.

8 How does that relate to science?
Puzzle metaphor When you received the new puzzle piece, how did that affect your original solution? How does that relate to science?

9 Puzzle metaphor Scientific explanations MUST fit the empirical evidence. When evidence is presented that doesn’t fit, THE EXPLANATION MUST CHANGE to accommodate it.

10 Puzzle metaphor Sometimes, scientists are arrogant enough to claim that they have “PROVEN” something. How does this puzzle activity simulate the DANGER in such a statement?

11 Puzzle metaphor In the same way that you could not have known that you were given an incomplete puzzle, HOW CAN SCIENTISTS EVER BE SURE THAT THEY HAVE A COMPLETE SET OF INFORMATION? vs.

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