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Eutectic Type Phase Diagrams

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1 Eutectic Type Phase Diagrams
MME 293: Lecture 07 Eutectic Type Phase Diagrams Department of MME BUET, Dhaka

2 Today’s Topics  Binary eutectic systems with partial miscibility
 Nomenclatures and invariant reaction  Determining composition and relative amounts  Development of microstructures Reference: 1. WD Callister, Jr. Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, 5th Ed., Ch. 9. 2. SH Avner. Introduction to physical metallurgy, 2nd Ed., Ch. 6.

3 Binary Eutectic Systems with Partial Solubility
 Both metals are only partially soluble to each other in the solid state.  Solids are formed in the form of solutions.  The solvus line indicates the limit of solid solubility. Lead - Tin Binary Phase Diagram

4 Lead - Tin Binary Phase Diagram
The Eutectic Point E  where three phases are in equilibrium.  through this point, the horizontal isotherm line passes through and the eutectic reaction occurs  Point E is designated by the composition, CE and the temperature, TE of the alloy. Melting point of eutectic alloy is lower than that of the components (eutectic = “easy to melt”) Lead - Tin Binary Phase Diagram

5 The Eutectic Reaction  Eutectic reaction is the transition between liquid and mixture of two solid phases, S1 and S2, at eutectic concentration CE. L (CE) S1 (CS1E) + S2 (CS2E) cooling heating eutectic mixture  For Pb-Sn system, the eutectic reaction may be written as: L 61.9 Sn a19 Sn + b97.5Sn cooling heating

6 Lead – Tin Binary Phase Diagram
Eutectic alloy  Short-freezing-range alloy  Behaves like pure metal  No “mushy” zone Hypo / hypereutectic alloy  Long-freezing-range alloys  Wide mushy zone Hypoeutectic Alloys Hypereutectic EUTECTIC ALLOY Lead – Tin Binary Phase Diagram

7 Microstructural Development
In the case of lead-rich alloy (0-2 wt. % of tin) solidification proceeds in the same manner as for isomorphous alloys (e.g. Cu-Ni) that we discussed earlier. L  L + a  a Alloys with no Eutectic and forming Unsaturated Solid Solutions

8 Alloys with no Eutectic and forming Supersaturated Solid Solutions
At compositions between the minimum and the maximum solid solubility limit, β phase nucleates as the α solid solubility is exceeded upon crossing the solvus line. L  L + a  a  a + b Precipitates in Al-Si alloy Alloys with no Eutectic and forming Supersaturated Solid Solutions

9 Micrograph of Pb-Sn eutectic, containing alternate layers of Pb-rich a phase (dark layers), and Sn-rich b phase (light layers) alternate layers of a and b crystals The Eutectic Alloy

10 Microstructural Development in Partially Soluble Systems
How does eutectic microstructure form?  Compositions of α and β phases are very different. The eutectic reaction involves redistribution of Pb and Sn atoms by atomic diffusion. This simultaneous formation of α and β phases result in a layered (lamellar) microstructure that is called the eutectic structure. Micrograph of Pb-Sn eutectic, containing alternate layers of Pb-rich a phase (dark layers), and Sn-rich b phase (light layers)

11 The Hypoeutectic Alloy
Pro eutectic The Hypoeutectic Alloy

12 Problem For the Pb-Sn alloy system,
(a) What is the compositions and relative amounts of the phases that constitute the eutectic microstructure? (b) For an alloy containing 30 % Sn, (i) What are the relative amounts of a and b phases present at the eutectic temperature? (ii) What are the relative amounts of the eutectic and the proeutectic a phase present at the same temperature?

13 Solutions  S R For the Pb-Sn alloy system,
(a) What is the compositions and relative amounts of the phases that constitute the eutectic microstructure? R S Eutectic structure consists of a and b phases Ca = 19.0 wt% Sn Cb = 97.5 wt% Sn Wa = 100 S / (R+S) = 100 (97.5 – 61.9) / (97.5 – 19.0) = % Wb = 100 R / (R+S) = 100 (61.9 – 19.0) / (97.5 – 19.0) = %

14 Solutions  R S (b) For an alloy containing 30 % Sn,
(i) What are the relative amounts of a and b phases present at the eutectic temperature? R S Wa = 100 S / (R+S) = 100 (97.5 – 30.0) / (97.5 – 19.0) = % Wb = 100 R / (R+S) = 100 (30.0 – 19.0) / (97.5 – 19.0) = %

15 Solutions  R S (b) For an alloy containing 30 % Sn,
(ii) What are the relative amounts of the eutectic and the proeutectic a phase present at the same temperature? R S Wa = 100 S / (R+S) = 100 (61.9 – 30.0) / (61.9 – 19.0) = % WE = 100 R / (R+S) = 100 (30.0 – 19.0) / (61.9 – 19.0) = %

16 The Cooling Curves L Temperature L + a a a + b Time
Alloys with no eutectic

17 L L + (a+b) (a + b) Temperature Time Eutectic alloy

18 L L + a Temperature Time (a+b) + a Hypo / hyper eutectic alloy

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