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Chapter 12 Section 4.

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1 Chapter 12 Section 4

2 The Binomial Theorem 12.4 Expand a binomial raised to a power.
Find any specified term of the expansion of a binomial.

3 Expand a binomial raised to a power.
Objective 1 Expand a binomial raised to a power. Slide

4 Expand a binomial raised to a power. Pascal’s Triangle
1 and so on Slide

5 Expand a binomial raised to a power. n factorial (n!)
For any positive integer n, By definition, Slide

6 Evaluating Factorials
CLASSROOM EXAMPLE 1 Evaluating Factorials Evaluate 4!. Solution: Slide

7 Evaluating Expressions Involving Factorials
CLASSROOM EXAMPLE 2 Evaluating Expressions Involving Factorials Find the value of each expression. Solution: Slide

8 Formula for the Binomial Coefficient nCr
Expand a binomial raised to a power. Formula for the Binomial Coefficient nCr For nonnegative integers n and r, where r ≤ n, Slide

9 Evaluating Binomial Coefficients
CLASSROOM EXAMPLE 3 Evaluating Binomial Coefficients Evaluate Solution: Slide

10 Expand a binomial raised to a power. Binomial Theorem
For any positive integer n, The binomial theorem can be written in summation notation as Slide

11 Using the Binomial Theorem
CLASSROOM EXAMPLE 4 Using the Binomial Theorem Expand (x2 + 3)5. Solution: Slide

12 Using the Binomial Theorem
CLASSROOM EXAMPLE 5 Using the Binomial Theorem Expand Solution: Slide

13 Find any specified term of the expansion of a binomial.
Objective 2 Find any specified term of the expansion of a binomial. Slide

14 rth Term of the Binomial Expansion
Find any specified term of the expansion of a binomial. rth Term of the Binomial Expansion If n ≥ r – 1, then the rth term of the expansion of (x + y)n is Slide

15 Finding a Single Term of a Binomial Expansion
CLASSROOM EXAMPLE 6 Finding a Single Term of a Binomial Expansion Find the fifth term of Solution: In the fifth term of the exponent on (–y) is 5 – 1 = 4 and the exponent on is 9 – 4 = 5. The fifth term is Slide

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