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Show the clip of a couple getting married to introduce our topic

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1 What happens next?
Show the clip of a couple getting married to introduce our topic. Watch until 20 seconds then stop the clip – what do they think happens next?

2 Marriage Learning Objective: To explore different types of marriage services. I can explain why people get married and Christian views on marriage.. I can compare a Christian wedding service with a civil marriage service. I can evaluate whether I think it matters what type of marriage ceremony you have.

3 This lesson you will be using this worksheet to make your notes.
Marriage This lesson you will be using this worksheet to make your notes. Students will need to use the Marriage worksheet this lesson to complete their notes.

4 Why do people get married?
As you are watching the clip, think of 5 reasons why couples decide to get married and write them on your sheet. Pose the question ‘why do people get married?’ Show the clip of Mike proposing to Phoebe in Friends to stimulate ideas on this. Take some feedback and get students to write down 5 ideas on their sheet. – Mike proposes to Phoebe

5 The Purpose of Marriage in Christianity
There are numerous references to the purpose and importance of marriage in Christianity in the Bible. Match up the explanations to the quote. Marriage is a gift from God ‘Be fruitful and multiply’ ‘A man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife.’ ‘Till death us do part.’ Students are now going to explore the purpose and importance of marriage in Christianity. There are 4 quotes/beliefs about marriage on the PPT. On their sheet students need to match them with the correct explanations shown on the PPT. Go through the answers. Ask students how these views compare with their own views on marriage. Marriage is the environment in which to raise a family and have children. Marriage is for life. Only death can end a marriage. God has intended for people to get married. Marriage is special and is seen as sacred.

6 Marriage Learning Objective: To explore different types of marriage services. I can explain why people get married and Christian views on marriage. . I can identify the key parts of a Christian wedding service and explain their meaning. I can compare a Christian wedding service with a civil marriage service.

7 Does it matter what type of marriage ceremony you have?
If you have decided to get married, does it matter what type of marriage service you have? We are going to explore two different types of services: A Christian Service and a Civil Ceremony.

8 A Christian Marriage Service
24 million people around the world watched as Prince William and Kate got married in 2011. On your sheet, write down the key things that happen in a Christian wedding service... Declarations Vows Exchange of rings Prayers Signing of the Register Students need an understanding of what happens in a Christian marriage service. They need to watch the service of Prince William and Kate getting married and note down on their sheet the key features of the service, i.e. declarations, vows, exchange of rings. Draw out the Christian belief that Christians believe they are making their vows in front of God.

9 How does a Christian service compare with a civil marriage ceremony?
Spot the Difference How does a Christian service compare with a civil marriage ceremony? As you are watching the clip, write down any similarities and differences you notice between this wedding and Will and Kate’s. Think about why someone might prefer a civil marriage ceremony. As a comparison show a civil marriage ceremony in the show Big Bang Theory. On their sheet students need to note down the similarities and differences between the two services. They also need to answer the question ‘why might someone prefer a civil marriage ceremony?’ Keyword: Civil Marriage A non-religious marriage ceremony in a marriage registry office or other licensed venue, e.g. Hotel.

10 Does it matter what type of marriage ceremony you have?
Now that you have explored both a Christian and a civil marriage ceremony – does it matter which type of service you have? 1. Explain your thoughts on this question 2. Explain why someone might disagree with you. Get students to think back to our question from the beginning of the lesson ‘does it matter which type of marriage ceremony you have?’ Students need to explain their own thoughts on this question but they also need to imagine someone in an ‘empty chair’ who thinks differently to them. Students need to also explain why someone might disagree with them – who might they be and why? Take some class feedback on this.

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